
There are many questions that a new parent has about caring for a newborn baby are the day to day. The answer to all questions is to listen to your baby, your doctor & your instincts. Do not hesitate for anything, but be prepared to find your way with the baby. Then you can use what you require & dispose of away the rest.
Here are some of the most common things that you need to consider while caring for yourself & your newborn baby after delivery:-
Whether you use cloth diapers or disposable ones, your newborn baby will need at least 9-10 diapers each day. Diapering a newborn baby is easy. Always ensure your baby is on a safe surface & always attend to your baby. We always recommend beginners that follow DIY Tips to strip the baby entirely.
Care of the Umbilical Cord
Hospital staff in labor & delivery & your baby's pediatrician should give you cord caring tips. If you want to avoid infections then clean the cord. Otherwise, it will give a sign of infections like redness, swelling, bad odor, and tenderness. When any of these symptoms develop then please call your pediatrician asap.
Bathing a newborn baby
Newborn babies do not get dirty actually & they don't need baths daily. If they enjoy a bath, then you can bathe them daily. Once you are ready there are so many ways to do it:-
- Bathing in tub
- Use of tub for sink
- Washcloth & basin bath
While talking about bathing & keeping newborn babies clean, you need to know about the best soap for your baby that suits them.
Soothing a baby
The best way to soothe a baby is to Know the reason behind the baby's crying. Some of the common reasons are boredom, wet diaper, hunger, pain, & tiredness.
Same as adults, they can experience emotional situations. Some ideas you can try with crying babies:-
- Hold them
- Swaddle baby
- Feed baby
- Sing & play with them
Knowing your newborn's cues & your limits can be helpful.
Physical changes after delivery
It took your body 9 months to build a baby, & takes time to back to your normal condition. Stretch marks will stick around, but with time they fade away. You may notice it very warm & sweating all the time after a few days of delivery. It is due to hormonal changes. After pains are the contraction that surely helps your uterus return to its size.
Postpartum Bleeding
The bloodshed after delivering your baby is called lochia. It will start bright red & contain clots for the 1st few days. It comes from the healing of the placental site as the uterus shrinks back & takes about 6 weeks. The bleeding will become light in flow & color until it stops completely, showing the location of the healed placenta. You should use pads & adult diapers for the 1st few days to catch the heavy flow. Avoid the use of tampons & menstrual cups.