
Android is a famous operating system all over the globe as 2.5billion systems running the version of the software. Its spontaneous design iscompatible with mostly every phone manufacturer accepts Apple, which makes itan obvious favorite for every user.
Though like any other device, the Android phone slows down astime passes. It will mostly happen on old models specifically to those that arenot receiving software updates but can affect the new flagship. If you want tospeed up, then this post might be useful for you. Read the blog and follow theinstructions to speed up Android.
How to LocateWhat Is Slowing the Android Phone
This way, you can detect the exact reason that slows down thedevice to do the clean up as effectively as it requires is. There are severalapps accessible that enables you to view the real-time CPU or GPU use on thephone. The app Profiler is good for this, which is free to download on GooglePlay store. It will also show you the RAM usage, temperature, and networktraffic. All the data is precious while deciding where to send the resources.
How to Speed upAndroid
RemoveUnnecessary Apps
A major problem for slowing down the Android phone is when youmay have installed a lot of apps more than its space, most of it that you mayhave downloaded on impulse and never used it. Android phones will slow downlike the computer if it is filled with the apps. You must begin by goingthrough the downloaded apps and remove the unnecessary ones to free the space.Keep in remind to uninstall it completely instead of moving the app from thescreen.
Get Rid ofMedia
Another thing to remove on an Android device or tablet is themedia. A similar method as the apps cover a lot of space, the pictures, videos,and music do the same. So if you have shot the 4k video mostly or saved thefull music library on the phone. To speed up the Android phone search in allthe media that exists and remove anything that creates space on yourdevice.
Delete Widgets
Widgets are the amazing feature of Android. However, they take alot of processing power to run in comparison to normally showing the tab. Ifyou are using more on various screens, think which one you don’t use and onethat you often use. Having little will clear the load on the Android phone,which will speed up the device.
Remove theRAM-Using App Manager
It will stop the app automatically if it requires space that isnot used fully. However, you may also have the user effect like what is goingin the background. To begin, you have to launch the current apps and thenremove anything that is not used by you by swiping off the screen.
If you want to remove the RAM using the app manager, then youcan follow the provided steps:
- Then You can navigate to the Settings.
- Click on the Apps.
- Select the Running option.
- This option will be accessed on Device care on the Samsung phones, so it is worthy of checking where you may locate on the phone.
Apps that use cache or space is not completely bad; things arealso done like this to prevent loading every time you launch the app.
Mathew Anderson is a self-professed securityexpert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. Hispassion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, socialengineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security productsat
Source : Android Device