
How to Protect Your Website From Distributed Denial-Of-Service Attack (DDoS) |
Stealing has become that malicious thing which one encounters almost at every stage of life. Digital business is not an exception in this case. You must have heard or read somewhere ‘that website was hacked’ don’t you? This usually means that the website has been the target of a DDoS attack.
Want to know more about DDoS? Then stay tuned and read this article. You will get the overview and how you can save your website from it.
Distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) threatens online websites and services. The goal is to overload them with more traffic than could be accommodated by the server or network. The purpose of this is to make the website or service inoperable.
Let’s make it more simple. What will happen if you keep opening and closing several apps without a pause? Usually, it crashes. And because of this, you won’t be able to open the application you want to open.
Hackers do the same to a website, they increase the load of traffic which a website can handle, and due to that, the website loses its genuine customers.
You must be wondering – is there anything you can do? Of course, there are some techniques which will be helpful.
One of the strategies to mitigate DDoS attacks is to reduce the area of the surface that can be attacked, thus restricting attacker choices and allowing you to create defences in one place.
This is one of the key techniques you must know. You should know the capacity your website can handle. The web hosting company plays a major role in it because If they sense high traffic rates reaching a host, the very simple rule is to be able to allow just as much traffic as the host can manage without impacting the availability.
If you want to secure your site from DDoS, then your website must have multi-level protection that can include firewalls, VPN, anti-spam, content filtering, load balancing, and other layers of DDoS defence techniques.
You have to be aware of the harms which can be done to your business in any form. Prevention is always better than cure. Are you waiting for DDoS attacks? No, then you must do something to make your website more secure.
Are you looking for a solution? Then Host Cafe Day has the solution for you. We are offering you DDoS protection with our Linux hosting plans. This is the hour of need and HostCafeDay is there to fulfil your every web hosting need.
For the best web hosting deals, feel free to contact us.
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