
India has been a popular destination among tourists from across the world, and while most of them came to the country on an e Tourist Visa India. A number of Indians transmigrate to other parts of the world in search of better opportunities, but a boom Indian economy has attracted them back to the country. A thousand international companies setting business in the country, job opportunities have improved, with thousands of applicants of Indian origin returning to their homeland to try their luck.
A 5-year Indian Visa enables people of Indian origin to come and visit in this country for a period of 5 years. It is a dream for any such individual who wishes to connect with India and is not provided to the applicant who is not of Indian source.
Eligibility For 5 Year Indian Visa
This is an Indian visa that is restricted to certain individuals, with only those who are of Indian source eligible to get it Indian visa. An individual of Indian source is one who satisfies any of the conditions listed below:
1. An applicant whose parents were born in India/were permanent citizens of the country. This is the condition that they were not citizens related to Sri Lanka or China, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan.
2. An applicant who is married to an Indian citizen.
In synopsis, any applicant who is currently a citizen of a different country but who has a base in India can be considered eligible to get this Indian visa.