
A short guidebook to troubleshoot and resolve the iPhone microphone issue.
You may have faced a situation where your phone's microphone isnot working, and because of that, you are not able to communicate with theother person. Just because of that one malfunctioning element, you face manyproblems (such as Siri is not able to understand the command provided, fuzzy,or no voice reaching to another party in calls).
It is important to know the cause before going to solve theproblem. There are many reasons for the malfunctioning of a microphone. Thereis a possibility that it is related to the Bluetooth, iOS being outdated, orany other app-related that may be interfering or restricting the microphone toperform normally.
Here are some troubleshooting techniques to remedy thiscondition:
1. Restart your iPhone: Restartingyour device many times resolves many glitches and troubleshooting the issue ofa microphone.
2. Check for Blocked Microphone Openings: There is a minimum of 3 microphones in all iPhones.Check every one of them (Bottom, Front, and Back) to ensure that they are notblocked, obstructed in any way.
3. Remove your Screen Protector or Case: Many times, this happens that these are not cover anymicrophone but interfere with it. Try removing it to resolve the issue.
4. Unplug Accessories (if Connected Any): Sometimes, the accessories connected to themicrophone can create glitches. So removing them can troubleshoot themicrophone issue.
5. Try The New Headset: Generally,faulty and degraded quality hardware is the offender of the malfunction of themicrophone. So try a fresh headset and check if that remedy the issue.
6. Restarting the Apps of Communication: If the microphone is not working on any specificcommunication app (like WhatsApp, Messenger, and Skype), just try to restartthose specific apps.
7. Giving Access of Microphone to The Apps: If communication and other apps require access to themicrophone, make sure that you have allowed that permission request. To givethe permission, Go to the iPhone Settings, select apps to view the setting ofthat app, and switch on the Microphone button.
8. Update iOS: Anoutdated software or operating system can also hinge the normal working device.So if that is the case, updating iOS can help to resolve the problem. So if youwant to check whether your iOS update or not go to iPhone Setting, then go toGeneral, after Software Update, now just check for the latest updates ofsoftware.
9. Restore The Default Setting: Some of the unexpected development may affect theworking of your microphone. You can able to resolve this by going to resettingto default. Resetting doesn't erase data; still, keep backup of your data.
10. Testing of Microphones: Testingthe microphones one by one can make you sure which microphone creates thetrouble.
Bottom Microphones:
● Click on the VoiceMemos app on the home screen of the iPhone.
● Select the Record iconso that you can able to record your voice.
● Stop the process ofrecording.
● Play it, and if youcan hear a clear voice, then it is working properly.
Front Microphones:
● Click on the Camera.
● Select the Videooption and hit Record.
● Stop the recording andplay it.
● If the voices areclear, then the Front Microphone is doing just fine.
Back Microphones:
● Click on the Camera.
● Select the Videooption and hit Record from Back camera.
● Stop the recording andplay it.
● If the voices areclear, then the Back Microphone is doing just fine.
Mathew Anderson is a self-professed security expert; he hasbeen making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to writeabout Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet andnew media. He writes for Norton security products at
source: iPhoneMicrophone