
How To Do A Website Safety Check? Here Is Why | Host Cafe Day
Cyber crime is increasing day by day, and the only way to avoid being a victim is to make sure you have a strong security system.
And if you are looking for the things you have to do to make your website fully secure then below mentioned are a few points which you must consider.
Enable HTTPS
HTTPS means Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It encrypts your data and provides a safe and secure connection of your website with your customers.
Google is taking actions against those who are not following the protocols. SSL certificate is now the new necessity for your website. Plus it provides you with the security which your website needs. Some web hosting companies are providing an SSL secure site guarantee certificate.
Update all Softwares
The second most important thing to do is to keep all the software updated, including plugins. Some web hosting companies do this all by themselves but to be sure you have to cross-check it and if it is not done then do it by yourself.
Keep backup
Always keep backups of everything; otherwise, you can end up in ruins if your website gets in touch with a hacker. Your hard work of so many years can be gone within a few seconds. And no one wants that thing to happen. So prevention is always better to cure. Keep the backups, and you can save your website and your business too.
Auto Generated password
It is always advisable to generate your password from auto-generate password features. If you think why? Then you should know the auto-generated password is complex and this provides it more security. The password which is created will be tough to crack.
But a tip for you always saves the password somewhere in your diary, phone, mail and so. Because chances are you won’t be able to memorise it because of its complexity.
Scan your DNS and WHOIS
The WHOIS database is a list of important details made available by registrars after you have invested in a domain, such as your email address, password, domain name, IP address, and more. And the critical information can be stolen in a blink of an eye by a hacker without any warning.
By keeping your details confidential, the WHOIS guard helps protect your personal information. And DNS is an Internet phonebook. Online access to data by humans via domain names.
So to scan both these are of utmost importance. You just can’t ignore this part if you want to make your website more secure.
Change your Username
In preventing unauthorised entry, it is important to hide your username from hackers. Changing username will be a hurdle in an attempt of the hacker. So you should change it frequently.
Remove unnecessary plugins
Remove all plugins you don’t need, especially if they haven’t been updated for several months by the developers.
Check the files you upload
Always be vigilant to files you upload on your website because there are chances the image files or other related files might be corrupted by hackers.
So keep all the files you upload in your security checklist. And to check the files you can use malware software. Your one mistake can be the reason for your ruin.
Protect yourself from brute-force attack
Hackers can hack your website in many ways like through guessing your password, username and so on. So keeping all this safe, you have to create a complex password and change the username frequently.
Related Post: Why Is SSL Important? What Are Its Benefits?
In a nutshell
The chance that hackers can gain access to your website and its sensitive data depends on you, so either take these precautions yourself or work to keep your data secure with a cyber security professional.
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