
If you're looking for a web to print storefront, you must first be clear with your business requirements and the tools available in the market. We shall discuss it in detail.
However, the point here is that only when you're aware of the web to print solutions you can decide which would be compatible with your platform. See, we know the importance of product personalization and digitalization in today's era. A full-fledged store can help customers customize their designs and send out prints within minutes or hours. You can fulfill all the orders on time. There's a lot more to the web to print technology.
But just because it's a necessity doesn't mean you should go for the one you find first. You need to ask a few questions: Does the software work seamlessly with the platform? Is it compatible with my current workflow? Does the product design tool help with designs and get prints ready?
If the answer is yes, then move ahead. If it's no, then stop. Reanalyze, discuss, and then take a step.
Meanwhile, read this article. Here we've discussed a few steps that can help you on your journey.
• Know your Requirements
As we discussed, web2print has different uses. You must know the role you want the software to play for your business. Whether you want the solution to help your customers design other products, you want to handle the printing orders or enable you to print.
Therefore, while researching, keep the three parameters in mind:
1. the purpose of establishing a storefront
2. features that the solution provides
3. whether the developer can customize the store according to your requirements
List down everything and discuss it with your solution provider. Ask about features and customization. It will help you be on the right path.
• Learn about Different Web to Print Solutions
This step is part of the research, but it's necessary to emphasize it. Because we come to a conclusion based on 2-3 options that we explore. And often, we regret it later. Therefore, to avoid this in later stages, you must learn about the web to print solutions: what they are, what features they have, different platforms they are compatible with, and so on.
It's like how your customers look at your business - What kind of products do they provide? What are the delivery options?
The idea here is to learn, list down the best ones (you find compatible), and talk to the solution providers. (Unless you have shortened 100 solution providers and are planning to speak to all of them.)
• Ask for Explanation and Diagrams
Approach a web to print storefront provider, and they would talk about their print solution, print production workflow, features, web to print ERP, print MIS, CRM, and more. And there you're nodding with a smile, a continuous yes for every feature that developers talk about.
Of course, words do mean something, but sometimes you need action to understand them.
In this scenario, the action would be to ask developers about the flowcharts and a demo to explain the functioning. You're investing your time and money, and you must know how the tool works. If I said, "Buy this solution. It has all the features. It would triple your sales." Would you believe me? No, unless you see the results.
• List Down your Queries
It's generally after post-installation that the setbacks arrive. You have questions; you are facing roadblocks while implementing the tool with the website. Asking providers for help is out of the league. Overall, you’re stuck, and you don’t know how to get out of it.
If you don’t want this situation to arrive, think about all the challenges you might face and list them according to priority.
When you sit down with your provider, know about the solution. Share your concerns, and ask about suitable options. Even if they don't have a ready answer, this approach will help you both in the journey.
• Ask for Customization
The fact is that one size doesn't fit all. So, whether your website platform is Magento, Shopify, or WordPress, your solution provider must be open to customization. They must even build the tool from scratch if required.
Also, ensure that the web2print storefront is compatible with different platforms. If not, make sure that the developer is ready to move accordingly.
Along with these, consider the future scope and marketing of your business too. Try to know if your web to print storefront is dynamic and flexible to adapt to the latest trends.
Summing Up
The Web to print solutions is considered best for increasing revenue. Therefore, choosing the right one is imperative.
Try to follow these steps. They won’t guarantee you the right solution. However, they can lead you in the right direction. For example, you won't miss asking whether they would provide the domain name and server for hosting, offer different templates, or so on.