How to Check Web Hosting Server Speed?
How to Check Web Hosting Server Speed?
Is your web underperforming? have you ever tried everything you'll be able to think about to spice up your overall site performance, however its response times are still sluggish?

How to Check WebHosting Server Speed?

Is your web underperforming? have you ever tried everything you'll be able to think about to spice up your overall site performance, however its response times are still sluggish? If thus, then you'll be attempting to mend the incorrect issue.

While nearly eighty % of all web site speed problems are associated with front-end errors, like non-optimized pictures, chunky code or broken page components, your visual style elements aren’t continually in charge.

Regardless of however refined your website cryptography could also be, or however you’re optimizing and compression web site files, if the hosting server is underperforming then no quantity of tweaking can alleviate your speed downside.

Your web site hosting service is that the brain powering your entire digital being. very similar to humans, if the brain is broken or lacks correct nutrients, everything it controls is negatively compact.

Although you ought to take care once choosing an online hosting supplier, even the greats expertise performance problems, therefore, checking internet hosting server speed daily is an important task for all website house owners.

Not solely will this give current stats concerning server health, however, if your server fails to fulfill its Service Level Agreement(SLA), you ought to in real-time contact the hosting company for a refund or upgraded hosting choices?

Much like everything else in life, guarantees aren’t continually secured. Therefore, it’s vital to stay open-eyed once it involves observance and analyzing not solely your web site performance, however, the performance of your internet hosting server.

Checking internet hosting server speed may be a comparatively easy method. However, before we tend to dive into this subject, let’s take many moments and investigate the assorted components you ought to determine and perceive once it involves observance of this essential backend element.

The Two Signs of a slow internet Hosting Server

It’s troublesome to slim down all the assorted factors that will be to blame for a slow internet hosting server. Therefore, take the subsequent 2 primary factors as AN umbrella guide into the deepest levels of server practicality and performance.

This being noted, these 2 factors tend to be the foremost common elements among underperforming internet hosting servers. do you have to realize that your dynamic webpages load exponentially slower than your static pages, you ought to in real-time investigate the subsequent server elements:

Time to initial computer memory unit (TTFB)

Essentially, this metric defines the precise length between an end-user browser causation AN HTTP/HTTPS GET request to receiving the primary computer memory unit from the requested information packet. whereas some definitions define this metric because the length once a browser performs DNS operation and connects, others embody DNS operation and affiliation inside the entire TTFB.


External influences, like web network affiliation speed, play an on the spot role in TTFB metrics. However, once taking this into thought, the TTFB ought to be now not than zero.5 seconds. The newest internet hosting server configurations and backend infrastructure style ought to permit TTFB around zero.1 second.

Distribution of web page elements

As you explore your internet hosting server speed, pay special attention to the distribution of web site elements in terms of loading time. once coping with a server issue, you'll notice a non-cache web site options comparatively even distribution of element load times, which might be comparatively dishonest unless the TTFB is exceptionally slow.

Websites with server problems very demonstrate its errors once accessing a webpage that’s already been cached by the end-user. during this case, you’ll notice the TTFB length is very longer than it ought to be. In most cases, this suggests TTFB is that the largest element capable of being to blame for up to sixty % of the web site latency.

Of course, the sole thanks to creating these observations is via AN correct and in-depth internet hosting server speed check.