
Not any exact date and time fix to get a refund on Cash app, but if you go to get a refund from any merchant then you may wait for a minimum of 10 days. If 10 days passed, then you can directly reach to the merchant to ask about your refund. If there are any issues, then use Cash app customer service.https://www.pcmonks.net/cash-app-customer-service-phone-number.html
How long it take to refund by Cash app customer service?
Not any exact date and time fix to get a refund on Cash app, but if you go to get a refund from any merchant then you may wait for a minimum of 10 days. If 10 days passed, then you can directly reach to the merchant to ask about your refund. If there are any issues, then use Cash app customer service.https://www.pcmonks.net/cash-app-customer-service-phone-number.html