
German and English, both are Germanic languages. Germanic Languages are a branch of Indo-European languages Family. These two languages come from the Germanic side of Indo-European Language family, more precisely West Germanic. The reason, I am telling about the origin of these two languages is because of theyshare many traits as they come from the same side of the language family. Nevertheless, they have great deal of difference as well, about which, we'll talk about in this article.
Alphabets are Different
The first thing that anyone learns about any language is its Alphabet. The English language has 26alphabets and so does the German Language with an addition of 4 more letters ä,ö, ü and ß (Eszett or scharfes S). The Alphabets in German are A, B, C, D, E,F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Ä, Ö, Ü, ß. According to institutes providing German Language Course in Delhi, it is the similarity of Alphabets due to which German speakers have difficulty in pronouncing English words.
Phonology is Different
The sounds of German and English language do not have a significant difference. In fact, the stress patterns and inflexion are more likely the same. However, there are some differences which must be kept in mind while speaking German.
The first difference is that there is no /th/ sound in German Language as we have in English. Fore.g. Thought, Throat etc.
The second difference is, if there is “W” at the beginning of the word, then the sound would of /v/. Therefore, if you hear the word Vinter for winter from any GermanSpeaker, then this would be the reason.
In German, has different sounds in different words.
Grammar is Different
If the institutes who offer Best German Language Courses in Delhi, are to be believed German grammar is quite complex than the English Grammar. Here are the reasons why.
1. The nouns in German have Genders, while this generally do not happen in English.
2. All the time, German nouns are written with Capital letters.
3. In German, inflexion is used to give meaning to the words.
4. The verbs in a German sentence comes last.
5. Punctuations are more exactly used in German as compared to English.
Different Vocabulary
Most of the German words are typically very long. The words are composed of many roots which were combined and reuse to come up with a new word with new meaning. Itis interesting to note that German and English has many words that sound similar but need not have the same meaning.