
How Do I Know If I Need My Wisdom Teeth Extracted?
extraction of wisdom teethis a surgical procedure to remove the third molars situated at the very back of the teeth. They usually appear between the age of 17 to 21 years but sometimes may appear in the late twenties as well. The wisdom teeth usually are 4 in number, positioned 1 in each half (upper right and left, lower right and left) of the mouth. It is best to note that not all individuals have exactly 4 wisdom teeth, some individuals might have less as well.
With the evolution of time, the human jaw has shrunk, providing minimal or very limited space for these sets of teeth to grow freely. So when they come through they might cause no or slight to severe discomfort that ultimately is injurious to the oral cavity and the whole body. Not everyone requires removal of the wisdom teeth but if the signs and symptoms appear and persist, it is best to consult and take advice from a dentist and oral surgeon.
Eruption and growth of the wisdom teeth may or may not be normal, however, certain signs may indicate the need for surgical removal of wisdom teeth.
1) Impacted wisdom teeth: Every so often the wisdom teeth get impacted or trapped beneath the gums and into the jaw bone because of the limited space in the oral cavity. This impaction causes radiating jaw pain, swelling and tenderness of the jaw, pus formation, difficulty in mouth opening, chewing, and bad breath. These are the manifestations that indicate an individual requires surgical extraction of impacted wisdom teeth from a certified dental professional.
2) The eruption of the wisdom teeth in the wrong direction: At times, wisdom teeth grow at an angle that is inappropriate to the adjacent teeth (second molar). It causes difficulties for the adjacent teeth by growing horizontal (backward or forward). In such cases, meticulous cleaning (brushing and flossing) of this particular area gets difficult and there is more chance of food impaction and bacterial growth around the erupted and adjacent teeth. The food impaction and bacterial growth trigger the caries process in teeth, pain, swelling, and infection of the gums that leads to cavity/decay formation and gum diseases respectively.
3) Cyst formation: In a few cases, the sac in which wisdom teeth form becomes filled with fluid to form a cyst. This fluid-filled sac initiates the pain and damages the surrounding nerves, jaw bone, gums, and teeth. Most commonly the cyst forms around impacted teeth (within the jawbone). In such circumstances, the dental professional advises for removal of the wisdom teeth at the earliest chance, to save the surrounding soft and hard tissues.
The Process Of Surgical
The dental professional will first take your medical and dental history. In addition to that, all the signs and symptoms of your dental concern or complaint will be recorded. A clinical and radio-graphical assessment will then be performed. The clinical and radiographical findings allow dental professionals to conduct a dental diagnosis. After the diagnosis of the wisdom teeth, the dentist in collaboration with the oral surgeon decides to perform the surgery under local, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia either in the clinic or in day surgery depending on the severity.
The process of surgical extraction requires a minimum of 45 minutes, some cases might take a longer time subject to the severity. The dental professional will guide you and your attendants to follow certain pre and post-operative instructions that need to be followed religiously.
common post-operative instructionsare as follows-
- Avoid rigorous spitting or sucking the saliva or blood
- Replace and change the gauze over the treated area carefully
- Use ice packs over the cheek on the treatment site to relieve swelling
- Make sure to take rest and avoid any heavy activity for some days
- Eat cold and soft food for the first 24 hours. Avoid spicy, crunchy, and chewy food for some days or until the treatment area heals
- Drink healthy fluids from a cup or glass, avoid drinking fluids with a straw
- Avoid brushing for the first 24 hours, rather use a mouth rinse and gently spit it out, resume gentle brushing after 24 hours
- Avoid smoking and tobacco use
Slight to moderate bleeding, pain, and swelling can be noticed after the surgery and it is best to take the prescribed medications timely. However, if the pain, bleeding, and swelling persist, consult the dentist or oral surgeon immediately.
Be present for your follow up appointment. The dental professional will check for healing and remove the sutures, if the sutures are non-absorbable, and advise you for future maintenance.
When you have severe tooth pain, it can be a real
dental emergency—and
Nu Dentistryis here to help you through them all, including teeth extraction. While it may sound scary, our friendly, gentle dentists make sure you’re always relaxed in our office. There are 2 main types of tooth removal procedures:
Simple extraction. A simple extraction is used to remove teeth that are visible. Once the local anesthetic has properly numbed the area, your dentist will use a tool called an elevator to loosen your tooth and forceps to fully remove it from your gum.
Surgical extraction. A surgical extraction is instead performed on teeth that are not visible, like fully submerged teeth or teeth that have broken off below the gumline. Our on-site oral surgeon will make an incision and extract your tooth directly from your gums. Since this method is more intensive, the surgeon will most likely give you a mix of local anesthetic and sedation, including oral or IV sedation. This ensures both your body and mind are relaxed and comfortable throughout your treatment.
After your treatment, we’ll prepare you with aftercare instructions to ensure that your mouth stays healthy and heals quickly without any complications. Within a week or two of your procedure, new bone and the gum tissue will fill the gap your tooth left behind.
Nu Dentistry, we understand that you can’t always plan when you have a toothache or when your molars are coming in. That’s why if you need an emergency tooth extraction, we’re on-call and ready for you. We do our best to ensure you’re in our patient suites within minutes of your arrival.
Despite our best efforts and oral hygiene habits, dental emergencies can still happen when we least expect it. Teeth can become injured in an accident or from biting on hard objects. Fillings, crowns, or other devices might break or fall out. Teeth can become severely infected and put you at risk for serious health problems. If you're suffering from a dental injury or pain, give Nu Dentistry a call! Dental emergencies can be scary and painful, but we're here to alleviate both your pain and your anxiety. We offer efficient, first-rate dental service, putting your mind at ease every step of the way.
As with many emergencies, time is of the essence. Some dental pain is severe and requires speedy medical attention to prevent further complications. We'll schedule your appointment right away, even on Saturday. We believe that you shouldn't have to wait for toothache relief. At Nu Dentistry, we make sure that our patients receive their emergency dental care within minutes of arriving, even with short or little notice.
Our fantastic team of emergency dentists do everything they can to see you as quickly as possible. We can't stress enough that dental emergencies require swift action so that larger, more serious problems don't occur. We are a world-class dental specialty center prepared to treat your dental emergencies, whatever they may entail. Call us today for immediate service!
If you need to call our on-site staff to schedule an immediate appointment, call us now at
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