
How Can You Remove Unwanted Hair Permanently?
The laser treatment that can help you out if you want to get rid of unwanted hair permanently. It’s the most convenient technique and seems appealing for working professionals.
Laser hair removal helps you to ward off treading and waxing problems. Its beam focuses on the root and destroys them completely. The result is obvious. You want to remove unwanted hair permanently on your upper lip, chin or sidelock get off permanently.
Simply put, this non-invasive medical procedure uses the beam of light to get a hair-free look.
Body parts where it is effective
· Armpits
· Legs
· Bikini line
· Around mouth/chin & cheeks
Good-fit to all skin-tones
Earlier, only lighter skin tone with dark hair were ideal for the best results.
Thanks to the advanced laser technology! It’s effective on all skin tones and unwanted hair.
Expectations on How to Remove
This cosmetic technology is a hassle-free, convenient and really effective for hair removal. However, it does not show an overnight miracle. Over time, the difference starts appearing. The pulsating beam of light passes through the surface and destroys hair follicles gradually. Upon getting damaged, these roots become weaker and then, fall out. You see a hair-free area over months, which is a permanent hair reduction.
Here, you should book a consultation with the aesthetic doctor. He best knows about the growth phases of hair, which guides on when to get this treatment.
So, here is what you can expect during your first experience:
· It starts with examining your facial hair, as where they are. Upon that, they are trimmed to reduce their length.
· The doctor protects your eyes with an eye gear.
· A gel is applied on the skin surface, which helps in penetrating the laser beam into the deeper skin layers & damage the hair follicles.
· Beams’ penetration is adjusted according to the thickness and location of hair, colour and skin.
· Certainly, the doctor checks the pulsating beams if they are harmless. Once confirmed, he furthers the procedure.
· For comforting the experience, a local anaesthetic may be put all over the surface.
Benefits that laser hair removal brings
This advanced technology is really impactful, time saving and really easy to have a smooth hair free chin, cheeks and upper lip.
Interestingly, it comes with all of these benefits:
· Facial hair growth reduces and gradually, the hair never returns.
· It’s equally effective for men and women.
· The focused beams do not damage the surrounding skin, except for the target location.
· This nonsurgical procedure is truly time savior. However, the final result is seen after 6 to 8 weeks.
· Laser hair removal does not cause any pigmentation, as happen in waxing. Certainly, there is a little bit of redness appear and the area inflames. But, these are temporary side effects that fade away in a day or two.
Recovery and Risks
As aforesaid, the treated skin looks red for a few hours or a day. So, you should put on moisturizer and sunscreen as what your skin specialist recommends. These hacks will prevent your skin from any damage due to the sun exposure.
If these temporary signs seem unmanageable, cold compression and ice packs can sooth your burning sensation.
The most commonly visible effects from laser are any of these:
· Skin irritation
· Redness & minimal inflammation
· Slight pain at the site of hair removal
· Skin tone looks uneven due to pulsating beams
· Blistering, crusting or scarring of skin may happen in some rare cases
· Unprotected eyes can be close to injury. Minimise it by putting on any eye-cover.
Side Effects
Although it’s great, yet there are some risks involved.
Here are some of them for your concern:
· Burning sensation
The pigment in your hair absorbs the laser light. It’s a high energy beam that is strong enough to burn the surface. This is why an expert doctor is recommended who knows what type of laser is the best-fit for medium to high level of pigment.
· Uneven skin tone
These pulses may trigger melanin production in some rare cases, which may leave your skin darker. There is a contra case, wherein these pulsating laser beams may reduce melanin production. Certainly, the skin tone of the surrounding area will become lighter. In both cases, the patient may suffer from uneven skin tone.
· Itching may be there
Some sensitive skins may see itching after this treatment. This can be seen as a redness on that area and rashes.
· Slight pain
The patient may feel like bring stung or tingling on the treated area during the procedure. However, the latest laser technology ensures no pain & lesser sensation.
· Risky for sensitive skin
Those who are prone to skin infection should disclose it to the doctor prior so that he can take preventive measures beforehand. If somehow it catches infection, antibiotics may be prescribed.