
According to Belbachir et al., the term "smart camera" was first used in 1975. In a report for the National Technical Information Service in 1976, General Electric's Electronic Systems Division indicated the requirements of two industrial firms for smart cameras. In 1976, authors associated with HRL Laboratories defined a smart camera as "a camera that could process its images before recording them." One of the first mentions of smart optical sensors was in a 1977 concept evaluation for satellites conducted by NASA and General Electric Space Division. They were proposed as a method for intelligent on-board data editing and reduction.
Smart Camera have been on the market since the mid-1980s. They became widely used in the twenty-first century as technology allowed their size to be reduced and their processing power to reach several thousand MIPS (devices with 1 GHz processors and up to 8000MIPS are available as of end of 2006). Artificial intelligence and photonics complement one another. Photonics accelerates the data collection process for AI, and AI broadens the spectrum of photonics applications. Sony introduced the first intelligent vision sensors with AI edge computing capabilities in 2020. It is an advancement of Exmor technology.
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