
Every year We employ Best skilled trades recruiter in Canada, we are connecting them with a high range of companies. Our Employee range from skilled trades to management, each enjoying a variety of opportunities to advance their careers. We tied up with each candidate/Employee to ensure the opportunities were aligned with their unique career goals. Best skilled trades recruiter, Pure staffing solutions now Hiring skilled trades in Canada.
Mostly skilled trades salary based on hours. Skilled trades Job such as mechanics, millwrights, electricians, and welders typically employee’s salaries were based on hours. Also, Which depends on their area of specialty and their level of experience.
Supervising or management jobs mostly have more compensation. Starting level for leaders such as plant managers, warehouse managers, Managers and, Supervisor start at $25/hr but experienced management can level up to $60/.
Within Canada, we are the employment agency of choice for quickly sourcing top-level skilled-trades, engineering and manufacturing candidates.