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The hard coating in polycarbonate film and polyester film provides chemical and abrasion resistance, as well as anti-glare, anti-graffiti and anti-microbial properties. The use of hard coating films is increasing over soft coating films because they have various critical qualities such as high scratch resistant, high transparency and more; these benefits result in greater hardness of products. The electrical and electronics industries are propelling the hard coating film market forward. Furthermore, the rising global automotive manufacturing is driving up demand for displays, screen panels and other components. The surging demand for these products is expected to boost demand for hard coating film, which will accelerate market growth in the upcoming years. However, in 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic caused ripples in the hard coating market growth. In 2021, the ease of Covid-19-related regulations resulted in the surge in the production of products, including electronics, automotive and more. This, in turn, accelerated the market growth.