
Taking care of the security of your development is an important point. However, it is necessary to remember the difference in protocol extensions, DDoS attacks, and viruses. In this article, we are going to tell how to protect a mobile application even at the stage of its creation before its final launch. And not from cyber villains, but from very real thieves, i.e., plagiarists.
In fact, it is necessary to start with legal patent protection. After all, the more effort, time, money, and other resources invested in the application, the more unpleasant it will be to see its approximate copy on Google Play and the AppStore, and with much more activity and popularity.
Therefore, it is necessary to patent the application in time with the help of an android app development firm. This measure will protect the development from any copying. However, it is also essential to do everything right here because mobile applications include many different elements - interconnected but independent objects of intellectual property.
Ways to protect a mobile application
Trademark certificate:
As we already know, the application acquires its fame and popularity among users thanks to its name and logo displayed on the mobile phone screen. Registering these objects as trademarks will provide you with a number of advantages. You will be the owner of the exclusive right. That is, you will be able to dispose of the trademark at your own discretion, including prohibiting third parties from its illegal use under penalty of liability, as well as transferring the right to use the brand for a monetary reward.
In addition, trademark registration may be a prerequisite for cooperation with application selling platforms, including App Store, Google Play, Xiaomi, etc.
Certificate of deposit of the work
In the process of developing a mobile application, you create many other elements, including drawings, articles, terms of reference, application algorithm, interface, musical accompaniment, etc. These materials are subject to copyright, which, if desired, should be registered or purchased.
Authors'Authors' Society.
In the event that disputes arise in the future about the ownership of copyright, the deposit certificate will be essential evidence and will help in protecting the rights of the author.
In addition to depositing it to the government, the developer can notarize the time of presentation of the development to the notary and thereby obtain iron proof of authorship. It is also possible to send a mail to your address with an attachment of discs and a description of the program, which is not opened until presented during the resolution of the dispute.
Application Copyright
Technically, any development is the result of a creative process and the work of the creator, because the latter has copyright for the creation already from the moment the final version of the product was created.
It is important to note that this legal complex includes both the inalienable non-property rights of the author and very extensive exclusive rights.
In this case, it is worth focusing on exclusive rights since they regulate the issue of using the object. Suppose such actions are taken by persons who did not receive permission from you. In that case, you, as the original owner of exclusive rights, can sue, file claims, and officially demand that you stop using the application or its individual parts—for example, code, texts, graphic content, design, audio, logos.
Yes, technically, the copyright and exclusive rights of the developer are valid from the moment the application is created. However, it may be problematic to prove authorship in the future without additional measures to fix these rights, despite the availability of source codes and developments.
Therefore, it is better to register the development right away. It is also recommended to deposit the development to the government for greater insurance.
Application protection is a must if you want complete rights on your applications, and for that, you need to follow all the possible steps on your mobile application. The only thing that a developer cannot register is his idea. Therefore, everything else needs to be patented to defend the concept through the rights to the details that embody it.