
Ever since Valve changed its policy for CS:GO and how primestatus is attained, it is no longer a simple path to get prime just by playing.In the end, one inevitably has to purchase prime status through steam, and thatsinglehandedly eliminated the presence of CSGO accounts being available over atonline marketplaces at such a cheap price.
With several bans, and only legitimate bought prime accountsretaining, the scene completely shifted. The prime status regained its covetedvalue, and now CSGO ranked High Tier accounts have been in demand more thanever before.
These are the only options left for veteran CSGO playerslooking for a grand account carrying all the necessary allocates: From Hoursgrinded on it, to matches won, to the service medals and loyalty badges itcarries to battle-pass specialties, such as coins, drops, etc.
Every CSGO player is aware how Service Medals and Loyaltybadges are attained, as it can only be gained after years of owning the sameaccount and being having played on it. Therefore, the very scope of accounts being botted to their presentstate or being hard breached into the account. These are accounts that werepreviously owned by dedicated players, who gained these medals and badges.
Ever since the rise of Valorant in the FPS and Esport scene,software conglomerate Valve has taken note of the tiny details and refinementsbrought in by Riot’s flagship game, and have also absorbed the fact how thecommunity has been responding to these new-gen FPS elements. Valve has alsoslowly updating its age old veteran shooting game, to the sudden surprise ofplayers who still remain. Along with it, their consistent content that theykeep on providing with every Operation update, the game does not seem to becontending to the claims that Valorant is going to overshadow it. CounterStrike seems to make sure it is not going to fade, and remain evergreen as itwas. Irrespective of the generation playing it. It brings joy through the wholespectrum.
This makes it even more sense for one to desire a CSGOaccount, coveted with all the medals, almost metaphorical to a respectedgeneral of the military regiment with all his stars and badges, showing thebattels that he has waged through his career. It’s a perfect allegory for theseHigh Tier CSGO Smurf Accounts. Along with the rank, the player gets the optionto pick from a vast array of all the distinct badges and sub-divisions of thosebadges that would otherwise take a lifetime’s worth of grind over one account,to attain, and not everyone gets the opportunity to play religiously each yearto make sure they’ve collected all badges, and some even miss out onOperations, making those one-time seasonal items a viable option once again,outside the rather expensive clutches of Steam’s own marketplace. Top tier CSGOaccounts such as these are hard to come across, and of course are limited innumbers.
For any veteran player, a long timer, a 1.6 stan, CounterStrike will persevere, and along with it, the longer it does, the more valuedthese high tier smurf accounts tend to be, just like Pokemon-cards. Broken Fangto Shattered Web, there indeed is a different allure to a lobby full of hard-grindedaccounts like these, along with it comes the coveted Prime status, that too theoriginal ones, skyrocketing its value.
And nobody needs to do the impossible and rewind time to getthese medals again, they’re readily available, just a click’s distance awayfrom purchasing right away and making it ones very own, even if life’s timingmade them miss the one-time opportunities of gaining them.