
Photocatalytic Coatings Market: Overview
Photocatalyticcoating products is a result of photocatalysis reaction. Photocatalysis is theacceleration of a photoreaction in the presence of a catalyst. In catalyzedphotolysis, light is absorbed by an adsorbed substrate. In photo-generatedcatalysis, the photocatalytic activity (PCA) depends on the ability of thecatalyst to create electron–hole pairs, which generate free radicals that areable to undergo secondary reactions. A common application is electrolysis ofwater molecules by titanium dioxide (TiO?). A photocatalytic coating is capableof maintaining itself on the surface on which it is applied and get rid of thedirt accumulated on the surface on its own.
Whenphotocatalytic coatings are exposed to any ultraviolet (UV) light source suchas the sun, their oxidative property decomposes the organic substances such asmicrobes present on their surface. Hydrophilic nature of the coating causes thewater that comes in contact with it to form an even layer, thereby allowing thedust and dirt accumulated on the surface to wash away. These two properties ofphotocatalytic coatings create the ‘self-cleaning’ effect.
Photocatalytic Coatings Market: Dynamics & Trends
In recentyears, ‘self-cleaning’ coatings using photocatalytic titanium dioxide (TiO2) have gainedconsiderable attention. With the assistance of a little UV light from afluorescence source or sunlight, TiO? offers two unique properties: (a) highoxidation power, and (b) super- hydrophilicity.
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Highoxidation power can be employed to kill bacteria attached on a wall or removefoul smell from stains in a toilet (TiO?-coated tiles and TiO?-coated glass arecommercially available). Super-hydrophilic property can allow dirt and stainsto get easily washed away with water or by rainfall when photocatalyticcoatings are applied on exterior surfaces. However, due to its highphotoreactivity, a TiO? coating cannot be applied directly onto an organicpaint surface. It may attack the paint surface, causing the ‘paint-chalkingphenomenon’. This factor has limited the use of TiO? coatings.
Reductionin use of TiO? coatings is an effective technique that provides aninorganic–organic layer between the painted surface and the TiO? coating toavoid the effect of paint-chalking. This interlayer functions as a binder forTiO? particles and a barrier to prevent the damage of substrate caused by thephotocatalytic reaction. With this approach, continuous and sustainedself-cleaning effect can be attained on the surface of painted panels. For abuilding without photocatalytic coatings, physical cleaning (usually usingstrong detergents or high-pressure water jets) is required. It can cause damageto the building material. The same material when treated with photocatalyticself-cleaning coatings can last longer. This naturally leads to low maintenancecosts.
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Photocatalytic Coatings Market: Segmentation
The photocatalyticcoatings market can be divided by application (commercial buildings,residential buildings, heritage buildings/structures, and educationalinstitutions) and by region (North America, Latin America, Europe, AsiaPacific, and Middle East & Africa).
Photocatalytic Coatings Market: Region-wise Outlook
The globalmarket for photocatalytic coatings is expanding at a significant rate. Themarket in Asia Pacific, especially in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Chinais expanding at a rapid pace. Considerable growth of the market in Middle East& Africa is expected during the forecast period, owing to overall economicdevelopment of the region and high demand for electronic products, textiles,automobiles, and plastics in the region.
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Photocatalytic Coatings Market: Key Players
Keyplayers operating in the global photocatalytic coatings market include AlphaCoatings, Photocatalytic Coatings Ltd., GP Asbestos, Saint-Gobain, andInternational Coatings Company.
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