Global Pancreatin Market Research Report 2019-2028
Global Pancreatin Market Research Report 2019-2028
Pancreatin Market

The burden of pancreatic disorders among the global population is on the rising and it is expected that it will affect more population in the coming years owing to consumption of unhealthy food and beverages. Alcohol consumption is one of the major risk factors to increase susceptibility towards pancreatic disorders and increasing trend of alcohol consumption among teenagers and working professional has also escalated the number of pancreatic disorder cases. Acute pancreatitis is the most common gastrointestinal causes, which significantly reduces the patient quality of life. Pancreatin is a mixture of pancreatic juice, mostly extracted from the swine and cow and contain enzymes such as amylase, lipase, and protease. Pancreatic juice contains hydrolyzing enzymes which breakdown the carbohydrates, proteins and fatty acids in food to their monomeric level. But increasing pancreatic disorders among the population has created a huge space for the growth of pancreatin in the market. In the global pancreatin market, Europe and North America hold the major share in production and consumption of pancreatin owing to the presence of major global players in the region. Attractive promotional strategies and unique business planning by players in the region have also uplifted the awareness about the pancreatin among the regional consumers.

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Rising Demand for Pancreatin Among Pancreatic Malfunction Demographics

According to data published in gastroenterology journal, it has been estimated that acute pancreatitis caused approximately 275,000 hospitalizations in 2009, which is double in number as compared to the last decade. The pancreas malfunction leads to disruption in the secretion of pancreatic juice, henceforth affecting the digestion of the food. The demand for pancreatin is growing at a healthy growth rate in the global pharmaceutical industry. Pancreatin contains lipase, amylase, and trypsin, in which lipase hydrolyzes lipids to fatty acids, protease hydrolyze proteins to peptides, peptones, and amino acids and amylase break carbohydrates to monosaccharide, disaccharide and oligosaccharide. The breakdown of these biomolecules makes them suitable for absorption in the intestine. On the other hand, escalating geriatric population is also surging the demand for pancreatin owing to malfunctioning of the pancreas with increasing age. The enzymes in the pancreatin replace the function of pancreatic enzymes and aids in proper digestion of food. In the global pancreatin market, pancreatin is available as powder, tablets, and capsules which are easy in consumption for consumers suffering from pancreas malfunction. Pancreatin is also administered to patients who are suffering from chronic pancreatitis, surgical pancreatectomy, and cystic fibrosis. With the increasing demand for pancreatin among the consumers, it can be anticipated that the demand for pancreatin will increase over the forecast period.

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