Global Mobile Wallet and Payment Market Opportunities- Exclusive Market Research Report by PayNXT360
Global Mobile Wallet and Payment Market Opportunities- Exclusive Market Research Report by PayNXT360
This offering from PayNXT360 is a bundled offering, combining 15 countries.

According to PayNXT360, the global mobile payment industry is expected to record a CAGR of 13.6% to reach US$ 117,786.8 billion by 2025. The mobile wallet payment segment in value terms increased at a CAGR of 13.5% during 2019-2025.

This offering from PayNXT360 is a bundled offering, combining 15 countries. This report provides a comprehensive view on mobile payment / mobile wallet market size and growth dynamics, industry dynamics, retail spending, consumer attitude and behaviour, and competitive landscape globally. The report focuses on data-centric analysis of mobile payment market dynamics to help companies understand business and investment opportunities along with risks.

 It details growth dynamics in 45+ market segments (600+ KPIs) across mobile commerce, mobile P2P transfer (domestic and international remittance), mobile lending, and a range of other payment avenues globally.


This report provides in-depth market opportunity analysis and growth dynamics of mobile payment industry. Below is a summary of key market segments:

 Market Size and Forecast

Mobile payment and mobile wallet market size and forecast across 45+ markets segments on three essential KPIs – mobile payment transaction value, volume and average transaction value.

Market Share of Key Mobile Wallet Companies

Provides market share by key players in value terms.

Market Share by Mobile Payment Technology: Provides market share by key mobile payment technologies –

•            SMS / USSD,

•            NFC,

•            Code Based, and

•            Web Based.

 Mobile Proximity Payment Market Size and Forecast

Mobile payment and mobile wallet market size and forecast by mobile proximity payment.

 Mobile Wallet Usage Analysis by Consumer Profile: Drawing from proprietary survey results, this report identifies and interprets key mobile payment KPIs, including spend by age, gender, and income level in both value and volume terms.

Retail Spend Analysis through Mobile Wallet: Breaks down retail spend across 10 categories to provide detailed insights on consumer behaviour and changing dynamics of spend through mobile wallet. Retail spend categories tracked include food and grocery, health & beauty, apparel and footwear, books / music / video, consumer electronics, pharmacy and wellness, restaurants & bars, toys, kids & babies, media and entertainment, services

Mobile Retail Shopping Market Size and Forecast to 2025

Market opportunity and growth dynamics in retail shopping by mobile payment transaction value, volume and average transaction value across following segments

•            In-Store Retail

•            Online Retail

§           Domestic Online Retail

§           International Online Retail

Mobile Travel Booking Market Size and Forecast to 2025

Market opportunity and growth dynamics by mobile payment transaction value, volume and average transaction value across following mobile travel booking segments

•            Offline Travel Booking

•            Online Travel Bookings

§           Online Flight Bookings

§           Online Bus & Train Bookings

§           Online Hotel Bookings

•            Online Domestic Travel Bookings

§           Online Domestic Flight Bookings

§           Online Domestic Bus & Train Bookings

§           Online Domestic Hotel Bookings

•            Online International Travel Bookings

§           Online International Flight Bookings

§           Online International Bus & Train Bookings

§           Online International Hotel Bookings

•            Spend During Travel

•            Transit & Toll – Metro & Cabs Bookings

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