
Granite Market: Overview
Granite isan igneous rock which is developed due to the interlocking between crystals offeldspar, quartz, and mica. Other minerals are also present in minorquantities. Granite constitutes about 70% to 80% of the Earth’s crust. It ismajorly found as large mountain ranges.
Differenttheories about the origin of granite have existed for more than 150 years. Thetwo most prominent theories that exists currently are the hyper-metamorphictheory and the magmatic theory.
The colorof granite depends on its mineral composition. It is predominantly found inwhite, gray or pink color.
The termgranitic is used for granite as well as such igneous rocks that have similartexture to that of granite, but somewhat different origin and composition.Granite-like rocks primarily comprise quartz, feldspar, and mica with someamphibole minerals. Their interlocking structure is slightly equigranularmatrix of quartz and feldspar, with mica and amphibole scattered in between.This scattered presence of mica and amphibole minerals can be majorly observedin light-colored granites.
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Granite Market Trends
Granite isa hard stone and entails skill to hand-carve it. It is utilized for makingsculptures, memorials, and gravestones. It has also been widely employed asflooring tiles and dimension stones. In modern architecture, granite slabs andtiles are used to make countertops, bar tops, fireplaces, staircases, murals,paving stones, and curbings. They are also utilized as building stones forbridges, memorials, monuments, and buildings. A form of granite, known asazurite granite, is primarily employed as a gemstone and also for constructionpurposes.
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The usageof granite in household construction is increasing; however, there is concernregarding the radiations from granite being harmful to health. Granite is alsoa natural source of radiation similar to most natural stones. The concernregarding radiation has been raised due to reports of higher radioactivity insome granites. Alkali feldspar is a common constituent of granite. Potassium-40is a radioactive isotope of weak emission and is abundantly present in alkalifeldspar. Uranium and Thorium are also found in granite. Concern about granitebuilding materials being health hazard arises due to these factors.
In theconstruction industry, the granite is employed in either the crushed form ordimensional form. Granite rock climbing is also popular as a sport, because ofits soundness, steepness, friction, and crack systems. Consequently, artificialrock climbing walls in many theme parks and gyms are given the appearance andfeel of granite.
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Granite Market Segmentation
In termsof color, the granitemarket can be segmented into black, white, and colored. In terms ofapplication, the market can be segmented into architecture, construction, andothers.
Granite Market: Region-wise Outlook
Graniteand related industries are considered to be some of the oldest industries inthe world. The U.S., China, India, Brazil, Italy, Sweden, Germany, and Spainare major exporters of granite. According to the U.S. Geological Survey,domestic production of granite in the U.S. was estimated to be 1.48 billiontons in 2016. The granite was found in crushed stone form and was said to bevalued at more than US$ 16.2 billion.
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Granite Market: Key Players
Keyplayers operating in the granite market include Ablegroup Berhad, AmericanMarazzi Tile Inc., CaesarStone, Cosentino S.A., Craig Baker Marble Co. Inc.,Levantina y Asociados Minerals SA, Dakota Granite, Daltile, Duracite Inc., JNRGranite Import & Export Ltd, Precision Countertops, GraniteTransformations, American Marble & Stoneworks Inc., and Vangura SurfacingProducts Inc.
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