
Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) is a form of size exclusion chromatography (SEC)that uses organic solvents to separate analytes based on their size. Polymeranalysis is a common application of this method. SEC was first established as astrategy by Lathe and Ruthven in 1955. The phrase Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC)was coined by J.C. Moore of the Dow ChemicalCompany, who investigated the technique in 1964 and licenced the unique columntechnology to Waters Corporation, which commercialised it in 1964. A variety offirms are now offering GPC systems and consumables.
Because smaller analytes may enterpores more easily, they spend more time in them and so have a longer retentiontime. Because these smaller molecules spend more time in the column, they elutelater. Larger analytes, on the other hand, spend little to no time in the poresand are swiftly eluted. A variety of molecular weights can be separated in eachcolumn Readmore