
Global Charity Organizations, Donation Website in USA, UK & Africa
Are you looking for best donation website in USA, UK & Africa? NDES foundation is a global charity organizations thatconnects donors with grassroots projects around the world.
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Giving is a blessing that consistently returns to us and at NDEF wehave confidence in GIVING FOR THE GREATER GOOD. Your gifts will go far to sparean actual existence today or train somebody extraordinary.
The NDES FOUNDATION is focused on its approaches of Accountability andTransparency in the administration of all establishment assets and gifts. Theexamined fiscal summaries of the establishment are introduced beneath.
About Us
The NDES FOUNDATION is a philanthropy establishment with AuthorizationNo. 483/G.37/C84/VOL 1/SASC of sixteenth July 2019 appropriately enrolled inunderstanding to the laws of the Republic of Cameroon and whose strategic togive help to the oppressed in the territories of social insurance and trainingas the surest method to self-assurance and monetary liberation.
Motto: Giving for more prominent's benefit.
The Vision of NDEF is to be a dependable and confided in supplier ofconvenient Health and Education Assistance to the oppressed.
To engage and give help to people in basic conditions and underprepared clinics while simultaneously endeavoring to give grants andinstructive materials to the oppressed understudies as the surest route totheir self-improvement and financial liberation.
At NDEF we hold firm to the conviction that instruction is the surestmethod to breaking intergenerational cycles of neediness for monetarily lessadvantaged African families and we likewise trust Health is Wealth. Toaccomplish our Vision and actualize our Mission, we hold the accompanyingqualities dear;
On the 31st of December 2017 and 06th January 2018, the Nde family losttheir mom Ma NDE ELIZABETH and their dad Pa NDE ZACHARIA individually. Thefamily lamented the loss of their caring guardians whom they accepted couldhave lived for any longer had they approached better therapeutic considerationor help. In memory and respect of their folks/grandparents, on the nineteenthMay 2019, the youngsters, grandkids and incredible grandkids of Pa and Ma Ndeon the activity of NDE STANLEY met at their family compound in Muea, Buea,Cameroon and from consultations that followed, established the NDES FOUNDATION(NDEF).
During the constituent gathering on that nineteenth May 2019, thepioneer individuals from the establishment pondered on various methods forhelping the oppressed and penniless. They along these lines received atwo-overlay strategic the establishment to give wellbeing related help andgrants to the oppressed and people in rustic networks. From that point forwardthe NDES FOUNDATION has strived to give convenient restorative and instructivehelp to several oppressed people around the world.
The Mission of NDEF is twofold;
We give wellbeing related help to patients in basic need of moneyrelated and non-budgetary medicinal help just as give therapeutic supplies andhardware to sick prepared restorative offices particularly in countryterritories. Without a Universal Health Care Coverage frameworks in manynations of the world, a noteworthy level of mortality watched, is owing totime-touchy sicknesses and intense wounds. Deficiency of crisis care officesand constrained access to wellbeing offices are a prime reason for preventablebleakness and mortality. NDEF works in a joint effort with effectively settledwellbeing offices and Universities to give the accompanying administrations inan offer to lessen the occurrence of time-delicate mortality and nonattendanceof appropriate medicinal services. Wellbeing related administrations gaveincorporate;
Our Contact Information
If you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss thatimportant call that could be the start of an exciting new business.
N8, Buea, Cameroon