
Antimicrobial nanocoatings comprise a modern advance inpreventive healthcare. Owing to the relatively recent realization of thepotential of nanotechnology, the antimicrobial nanocoatings market has risenrapidly in the last few years. Antimicrobial nanocoatings are used in several applicationsin the modern world, due to growing recognition of their superior antimicrobialproperties and ease of use.
The reporttracks the development of the globalantimicrobial nanocoatings market through the historical review period,examines its present dynamics, and presents studied predictions for themarket’s growth in the forecast period. The report takes into account the widerange of applications in which antimicrobial nanocoatings are used and providespresent and forecast data for each segment of the global antimicrobialnanocoatings market. The various product types available in the antimicrobialnanocoatings market, their various applications, and the various regions inwhich they are used are all studied in the report to give market players acomprehensive overview of the global antimicrobial nanocoatings market.
Thecompetitive dynamics of the global antimicrobial nanocoatings market are alsoanalyzed in the report, with Porter’s five forces analysis shedding light onthe relative power of various entities in the market, market attractivenessanalysis revealing how conducive to investment the antimicrobial nanocoatingsmarket’s segments are, and profiles of key players helping explain thecompetitive hierarchy of the global market.
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Overview of the global antimicrobial nanocoatings market
Antimicrobialnanocoatings were first successfully used on a large scale by the U.S. navy,which found that nanocoatings were hugely successful in preventing the growthof algae and marine slime. These nanocoatings were nanoparticle coatings, i.e.nanoparticles were mixed with the paints and coatings used on the ships. In contrast,nano layer coatings are rising in demand due to their growing application inhealthcare and consumer electronic devices.
Unlikenanoparticle coatings, nano layer coatings consist of several nano-scale layersof antimicrobial coatings. This technology has emerged in response to thediscovery that antibiotic-resistant strains of various microbial pathogens haveemerged in the last few decades. As a result, eradicating them throughnanocoatings is not feasible, which has led to the innovation of coatings thatphysically prevent the entry of microbes. Nano layer coatings achieve thiswithout becoming an eyesore or practical inconvenience. Thus, the applicationof nanocoatings in consumer electronics and healthcare devices is rising.
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Generaluse surgical equipment, toilet seats, and wound dressing materials are amongthe largest end users of antimicrobial nanocoatings in the healthcare sector.The most used materials in nanocoatings are silver and zinc, due to theexcellent barrier properties they offer against multiple microbes.
Regionally,the global antimicrobial nanocoatings market is dominated by developed regionssuch as the U.S., Western Europe, and Australia. This is due to easieravailability of advanced nanocoatings in these countries, as a result of theiradvanced healthcare R&D scenario.
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Companies mentioned in the research report
Majorplayers in the global antimicrobial nanocoatings market profiled in the reportinclude 3M Healthcare, Toto USA, Smith and Nephew plc, Blue Nano Inc., andNanocare Tech. Competitive profiles of these players are presented in thereport for the benefit of both new and established market players.
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