
Over the years swinging has become mainstream and people learned to accept it as a legitimate lifestyle choice. Although the concept has become synonymous to scandal and has generally gained a bad reputation, real swingers have nothing to do with what the world makes them out to be. More so, the swinging community has seen its fair share of people just trying to get into their clubs or parties but are not true swingers. It’s time to put the record straight and take a good look at what actually means swinging and the people that do it.
What are swingers?
Swinging came into popular focus in the wake of the 1960s sexual emancipation movements. The sexual revolution brought with it the wide acceptance of several sexual orientations and preferences. This, combined with the invention and wide-spread of the contraceptive pill and other measures, made swinging a popular option among singles and couples alike. People started hosting private parties in order to meet others like them and the community grew. But because swinging was still seen as something offensive and unnatural, those who were opposed it, or just didn’t know better, started coming up with myths regarding what it meant to be real swingers .
Some of the myths are amusing, others are just mean. Regardless of who came up with them, the problem is that the swinger community can and sometimes is affected by them. To put it simply, real swingers are normal people, with normal jobs and lives, that choose to have a different sexual preference than the rest. Because of this, and the bad reputation that they already got, swingers tend to be discreet, choosing to meet in special clubs or during private parties. In a nutshell, swingers are people that just want different things than others.
The most common myth around people outside of the swinging community is that swinging is cheating. This is false because swinging implies that all parties involved are O.K. with swapping partners and none of them is jealous. The foundation of the concept of swinging is that all partners have to be consenting adults and they are joining in on their own accord. In fact, many swinging couples have said that swinging actually improved their relationship and that they feel safe knowing what their partners are doing.
Kinky sex
Another myth about swingers and swinging is that it is perverted and kinky. Although the whole idea of swinging is to have as many experiences with as many partners as you want, another principal rule of swinging is that you do what you want to. Yes, there are couples that enjoy a more hard-core take on the sex part of their relationship, but they will usually seek out same-minded couples. You can do whatever makes you feel good and safe.
Drug abuse
People often will say that swinging involves substance abuse. While each person is free to do as he pleases, during parties any kind of substance abuse, including alcohol, is forbidden. The clubs that host swinger’s parties have very strict rules regarding drunk people, and will go as far as banning a person from the premises if they do appear to be intoxicated.
Anything goes
Contrary to popular belief, anything is not allowed when swinging. Although true swingers are more open minded than most people, they too are people. They have their own opinions and some of them might not be as enlightenment as you may think. There are certain swingers that will not swing with people from a different race than theirs or that will not join a party if gays or bisexuals will be present. Also, some swingers are very pretentious with who them have sex with.
These are just some of the myths that have been spread around by people that do not know what true swingers and swinging are about. The take-away is that swingers are regular people that choose to do something that might seem irregular to others.
Swingers and swinging are here to stay. The best thing to do is accept the fact that not everyone is like everyone else and that what a person chooses to do in their bedroom is their problem. If you want to get into swinging try to keep an open mind and not judge what others might do for pleasure. The most important thing is to just have fun and don’t miss your chance to meet new people and do new stuff. You never know what you might end up liking.
Real swingers regular are people that chose to have a different lifestyle, so don’t believe everything that you hear about true swingers.