
The Dynamics 365 Field Service support business application helpsorganizations deliver onsite service to customer locations. The applicationcombines workflow automation, scheduling algorithms, and mobility to set mobileworkers up for success when they're onsite with customers fixing issues.
The FieldService application enables you to:
Improve first time fix rate
Complete more service calls per technician per week
Manage follow-up work and take advantage of upsell and crosssell opportunities
Reduce travel time, mileage, and vehicle wear and tear
Organize and track resolution of customer issues
Communicate an accurate arrival time to customers
Provide accurate account and equipment history to the fieldtechnician
Keep customers updated with the status of their service calland when it's resolved
Schedule onsite visits when it's convenient for the customer
Avoid equipment downtime through preventative maintenance
Here are some examples of the types of organizations thatuse the application to manage their field service:
Manufacturing- A medical device manufacturer sells machines to hospitals andclinics, and uses the application to manage maintenance services over thelifetime of the machines.
Utilities- A fiber optic cable utility company uses the application torespond to outages by dispatching technicians to problem areas.
Healthcare - An in-home health care service provider uses the applicationto schedule and dispatch healthcare workers to administer medicine and othercare to multiple patients.
Equipmentmaintenance - A facilities manager uses the application to delivermaintenance and repair services for heating and cooling equipment. Dynamics 365 field service support
Field service capabilities include:
Work orders to define the service work needed primarily (butnot exclusively) at customer locations.
Scheduling and dispatch tools to manage resources andequipment needed for customer service, visualize onsite appointments, andoptimize service schedules with efficient routing and resource skill matching.
Communication tools to enhance collaboration betweencustomer service agents, dispatchers, field technicians, customers, and otherstakeholders. dynamic
An easy-to-use mobile application that guides techniciansthrough schedule changes and service work.
Asset management capabilities to keep track of customerequipment and service history.
Preventive maintenance by automatically generating recurringmaintenance appointments for equipment.
Inventory, purchasing, and returns capabilities to managetruck stock, purchase order requests and fulfillment, and product returns.
Billing capabilities to generate invoices based on productsand services delivered to customers.
Time tracking to help you track how resources are spendingtheir time, whether they're traveling, on break, or working.
Analytics for reporting on key performance indicators formanaging work orders, scheduling activities, and interacting with customers. dyn
Field Service roles
The Field Service application provides tools for these keyroles on your service team:
Customer service agents triage incoming requests anddetermine when to create work orders for onsite visits. Agents primarily usethe application through a web browser.
Service managers track performance metrics and overseeservice delivery, finding ways to increase efficiency and standardizeprocesses. Service managers primarily use the application through a webbrowser.
Dispatchers review and schedule work orders, and assign themto resources on the schedule board through resource availability searches, andthrough a fully automated resource scheduling optimization add-in. Dispatchersprimarily use the application through a web browser.
Field technicians manage their assigned work orders usingthe mobile app on a phone or tablet, and perform maintenance and repairs onsiteat customer locations.
Inventory managers ensure field technicians have what theyneed to complete their service calls. Inventory managers also handle productreturns and purchase new inventory. Inventory managers primarily use theapplication through a web browser.