
Geneva Airport Transportation
Airport transportation, available 24 hours per day, 7 days aweek. We provide Geneva airport transfer service for reasonable prices andflexible options.
Geneva, the capital of Switzerland, is sometimes referred toas one of the most progressive cities in the world. Together with Sweden,Europe's perpetual neutral party seems to be setting the tone forsophistication, modernity and forward thinking across the Old Continent, andthis tendency permeates even the most minor aspects of their society.
Take, for instance, Geneva airport transfers. While the waysof getting from the airport to the city centre do not differ all that much fromthose found in destinations the world over, in the case this city the processdoes include a few typically Swiss touches. They perhaps demonstrate why thiscountry is often considered to be 'one step ahead' of the rest of Europe. genevaairport taxi
Anywhere I Roam...
Nowhere is this progressive mindset more apparent than inthe free ticket passengers first arriving in Switzerland can claim, in order tofacilitate their Geneva airport transfers. This stub - which is valid for aperiod of up to 80 minutes and can be claimed from ticket machines at theairport itself - gives travellers coming into the city free access to anydestination within the city limits, through one of the transportation linksoperated by UNIRESO. These include trains and buses, both of which run from theairport at regular intervals and will cover the 4km journey to Gare Cornavin orGare Routiére - the city's two main railway stations - in only a few minutes.Admittedly, you will still need to make your way to your accommodation, whichmay not suit all travellers.
The Cost Of Flexibility
While extremely handy, the free options for Geneva airporttransfers might also not suit passengers whose accommodation is booked indestinations further afield, or slightly less central parts of the city. Theywill be better off with the traditional taxi, hired shuttle or rented car.
Fortunately, all three of these options are readilyavailable as well. All the main car rental companies have offices at theairport, and both public and private-hire taxicabs can be obtained from thepremises as well. Although more costly than the aforementioned publictransportation links, both these means of transport allow for greaterflexibility, with routes not being determined by pre-set timetables orinfra-structures. As such, they may be more viable than trains or buses for thebusy visitor on the go, as well as for those who prefer a bit of added comfort.geneva airport taxi
It is worth nothing that, although not free, both thesemeans of getting to the town centre or further afield are somewhat cheaper thansimilar services in other European capitals! It's just another piece ofevidence to support the theory that, even in something as small as Genevaairport transfers, Switzerland is decidedly ahead of the 'pack'!
We offer our costumers transfer service
- We offer our costumers transfer service
- Fairtransfert, leader of Limousine services in Switzerland
- Our vehicles are registered, approved and duly certifiedfor passenger transport and meet the technical and operational requirements inSwitzerland
- We offer a tailor-made and door-to-door service for ourclients
- Refreshing service and Wifi available in our vehicles
- Our drivers are multilingual
- Our vehicles are clean, air conditioned and non-smoking
- Our rates are fixed and customers can pay cash to thedriver, online or with credit card (3% surcharge for credit card fees)
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