Gastroenterology | Best Endoscopy and Gastro surgery in Ahmedabad – Dr. Chirag Thakkar
Gastroenterology | Best Endoscopy and Gastro surgery in Ahmedabad – Dr. Chirag Thakkar
Endoscopy Test in Ahmedabad at Adroit Centre. Upper GI endoscopy is a procedure that uses a flexible endoscope to visualize the upper GI tract. The upper GI tract includes the oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum - the first part of the small intestine.

An endoscope is a long, thin, flexible tube that has a light source and camera at one end. Images of the inside of your body are relayed to a television screen.

Endoscopes can be inserted into the body through a natural opening, such as the mouth and down the throat, or through the bottom.

An endoscope can also be inserted through a small cut (incision) made in the skin when keyhole surgery is being carried out.

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