
Extra points for Specialist Educational Qualifications in Australia
For those highly competent international students in Australia, there is avenue to obtain additional points through study of research degrees, Masters or PhD after fields of expertise. Under the GSM points visas, candidates are qualified for 10 points in Part 6D.7A of regulations if they are able to satisfy the criteria’s for award of specialist educational qualification.
This needs completion either of a master’s degree through research (opposed to Masters by coursework) or a PhD (Doctoral degree). Alongside, the educational qualifications must include a study of a minimum 2 years academic in Australia and must be awarded by an Australian educational institution. The area of study to entice these points will be included in the following fields:
- Earth Sciences.
- Biological Sciences.
- Chemical Sciences
- Mathematical Sciences
- Natural and Physical Sciences
- Other natural and physical Sciences
- Computer Science
- Physics and Astronomy
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- Information Systems
- Information Technology
- Other Information Technology
- Civil Engineering