
Telemedicine has been active for a while as the phone has been around. But the first visual Telemedicine was developed in the 1920s. Telemedicine has evolved in the last 10 to 12 years and is described as remote health care using advanced telecommunications. Diverse disciplines have been involved in the area of Telemedicine and the one that has made tremendous advancement in urgent care and radiology. Teleradiology is a method of automated transfer of radiographic photographs and associated patient data from one site to another.
Incorporating this system, like teleradiology, is to provide a filmless and paperless alternative for the radiology department and patients. New technology and digital imaging have now made it easier to display X-ray images on laptops and the internet. Persistent attempts have been made to develop teleradiology, and one such technology is the Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS). Picture archiving and interaction tools are vital for handling and processing large volumes of material for healthcare facilities.
Since PACS is a cloud-based technology, a radiologist can use any device in any part of the world to view scanned images on the internet. No special software or system is required. The only thing the radiologist needs to do is use his or her credentials to sign in to access the database, examine the scanned images, and then insert the data into the system. Because this entire procedure is web-based, it is so simple that as long as the radiologist enters his result onto the system and saves it, access is open to the hospital.
To be consistent with the Telemedicine program, radiologists need four criteria to be present in PACS. Reports should be reliable in terms of information. Teleradiology personnel should be available to consult with the in-house radiologist. However, technical support should be available as appropriate, and reasonable processing time for tests should be available.
CityDoc, the pioneer in Telemedicine, is ready to serve all of your family's urgent medical care needs. Our doctors and team are prepared to treat patients of all ages, from kids to adults to elders. We join the gap between the emergency room and your primary care provider. Stay at residence or work and connect with a CityDoc provider from your computer or smartphone utilizing our Video Visit service. Visit today for more information.