
In the recent past, partnership and new product launches have been the major activities in this industry. The growth in demand for cloud-based electric vehicle virtual prototyping has made its providers focus on differentiated and customized products.
Report Overview:
Automobile manufacturers concentrate on electronics hardware and software to create a more intelligent solution with fewer electromechanical elements and thus increase efficiency. Early design space exploration, electrical component selection, expensive prototypes, model availability, complex software development and integration, functional safety testing, and large-scale high bandwidth secure multi-protocol verification are just some of the challenges developers face in this race. Synopsys' integrated virtual prototype tool for electric vehicles (EVs) is a multi-discipline solution that enables faster, more productive, and scalable development. The company also states that it is involved in everything from power electronics to software development and testing.
Virtual prototyping for the development of EV electronics hardware and software is the industry's most comprehensive tool, which reduces the cost, effort, and time for prototyping. Synopsys' virtual prototyping technologies, such as Virtualizer, Silver, TestWeaver, and SaberRD, are used in the integrated solution, which has been optimized for the needs of EV system development. By removing the reliance on a physical hardware setup, the multi-discipline integrated software enables earlier and more productive development and rapid scaling of test activities.
As the global EV industry grows, customers are paying more attention to efficiency, defined as the distance traveled at a given speed and the number of Watt-hours consumed as a significant indicator. Automobile manufacturers concentrate on electronics hardware and software to create a more intelligent solution with fewer electromechanical elements and thus increase efficiency. Early design space exploration, electrical component selection, pricey prototypes, model availability, sophisticated software development and integration, functional safety testing, and large-scale high bandwidth secure multi-protocol verification are just a few of the hurdles developers confront.
Multi-level fast simulation from abstract to high fidelity for detailed analysis, debug, analysis, and test functionality to support functional safety, hardware/software debug, variation analysis, coverage analysis, and calibration design tasks have been added to the integrated multi-discipline solution to support EV design with EV model libraries for power electronic, microcontrollers, and Autocar components, multi-level fast simulation from abstract to high fidelity for detailed analysis, debug analysis, and test functionality to support functional safety, hardware/software Application programming interfaces (APIs) are also available for integrating into various automotive workflows and technologies. Support for the functional mockup interface is also included (FMI).
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The development and acceptance of VP tools are being driven by these benefits. VP is being used by businesses and industrial producers to replace traditional physical testing of product models. Physical testing took more time and cost a lot of money. Virtual prototype solutions allow businesses to improve product testing accuracy while also improving ergonomics and usability. This reason is propelling the global virtual prototype market forward. Virtual prototyping is a software-based engineering method for virtually building, replicating, and testing a prototype under real-world conditions. Manufacturers have boosted product affordability by incorporating technology such as computer-aided design (CAD), simulation tools, and virtual reality (VR) with (VP) tools. Virtual prototype simulation also helps with effective manufacturing line and plant layout planning.