
Nowadays, most feeding tubes are made of polyurethane or silicone. These materials have largely replaced the older polyvinylchloride feeding tubes, which stiffen when exposed to digestive juices and are more irritating to patients, necessitating tube replacement on a regular basis. Silicone is softer and more flexible than other tube materials, and it stretches and collapses more easily. Because polyurethane is stronger than silicone, a tube made of it can have thinner walls and thus a larger internal diameter despite having the same French size. The flexibility and reduced internal diameter of silicone tubes may cause clogging or kinking. Polyurethane and silicone do not disintegrate or embrittle in situ, resulting in a longer wear. Enteral Feeding Devices French unit measures a tube's outer lumen diameter. Tubes that are too flexible may be chilled before being placed to stiffen them.
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