
Emsella chair is the new technology from BTL company. Emchair uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology for the SUI (Stress Urinary Incontinence) treatment. We VIVALaser offer a similar technology for a buttock lift. VIVALaser EMchair price
The whole treatment cost around 28 to 30 minutes which could receive a perfect result for buttock lift and Pelvic Floor Muscle Training. The Emchair is developed for those who is suffering from incontinence. The whole Pelvic Floor Muscle treatment is completely non-invasive and non-surgical. Emsella Chair cost
In order to strengthen the muscles, Emsella chair(or similar technology) significantly reduces the symptoms related to incontinence. Moreover, a more powerful pelvic floor reduces nocturia (waking up in the night to void) . It can also improve sexual satisfaction.
What is Emsella chair?
The Emsella Chair is a device for non-invasive Pelvic Floor Muscle Training.
In 2019, one hospital had 1,300 deliveries a month Pelvic floor rehabilitation department can only receive 15- 20 women a day for treatment How much is emsella chair Each woman should do 10 times a course of treatment. 550 postpartum mothers fail to make appointments for pelvic floor rehabilitation every month!
- A new treatment for incontinence and confidence.
- Non-invasive, safe and no downtime treatment
- 95% of treated patients reported significant improvement in their quality of life
- Single session induces thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions
- 28 minutes treatment wquals 11,200 Kegel exercises
- Fullly clothed treatment Buy Emchair
- Emsella Chair with lift function
- 2021 most advanced HIFEM technology for non-Invasive Pelvic Floor Muscle treatment
- 2 yearswarranty for the machine lifetime after-sales service
How do Emsella Chair works?
The core technology is focused on electromagnetic energy. The Emsella Chair uses noninvasive HIFEM, which stands for High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic energy, to produce supramaximal contractions of the pelvic floor muscles — the equivalent of 11,000 Kegels in 28 minutes! This results in strengthening and increased tone of the pelvic floor muscles and decreases episodes of incontinence.
1 session Emsella chair session leads to thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions, which are extremely vital in muscle re-education of incontinent patients. It shows that 95% of treated patients reported significant improvement in their quality of life
For more information regarding Emsella Chair, visit our website: