
Electronic Data Interchange - EDI In Europe | HubBroker ApS
We offer a scalable integration platform that can eliminate manual work. Automate all processes between our customers and their trading partners.
High quality customer service with quick response & manage processes from request to solution. Our customers receive cost-effective & flexible solutions.
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We handles all transactions through our Integration Platform (iPaaS). Through our platform, our Customers have complete control over transactions always.
From our iPaaS, you can choose any predefined app for exchanging documents from or to any of the standard systems on the market. Our most important service is to convert data to the correct format.
Platform ensure that data is automatically loaded to your ERP systems or accounting systems.
Our integration solutions help in the integration and transformation of data and content to deliver timely, consistent, authoritative and complete information, at the same time managing its quality throughout its life cycle. Through our iPaaS platform, companies are able to manage their databases with utmost ease
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HubBroker ApS
Agern Allé 24
2970 Hørsholm
CVR-nr 35859837
Phone:+45 25943777
[email protected]
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How our invoice/order automation apps process a large number of invoices/orders in real-time with 100% accuracy and increase your sales and customer satisfaction?