
Echo Error 12-1-107-22-1 | 1-844-333-1353 - HelpTechLine
Echo Error Code 12-1-107-22-1 is registration error, either the device you are trying to set up is reported lost or stolen to the Amazon server, either you are trying to set up a device with different amazon account.
This is an error concerning your device and only your device, no network problem or server availability here. Specifically, this error code means that your device has been reported lost or stolen from Amazon and cannot be configured. But do not panic we will explain what to do.
Select the same amazon account from where you bought the device. Maybe the device is a gifted device or you are using a used 2nd hand device.
Amazon uses this error code and the terms “lost or stolen” generically and it may be that in your case the device was not stolen. But technically the problem remains the same, the device has already been registered to someone else’s account and you cannot connect it to multiple Amazon accounts. This can happen if you have been offered the device by a relative who has already used it, or if you bought it used.
The principle will be simple: unconfigure the device from the original Amazon account, and reset it (factory reset). It will then be possible to link it to your account again.
The previous owner (or the person who bought it) should go to his page “Manage your content and devices”, select the speaker in question and click on the link “Deregister “.
Once you click on the link, a message will appear asking for confirmation. Click again on “Unregister” to validate the action.
You must now find factory settings by resetting your device (factory reset). To do this several possibilities are depending on the model of the device.
Hold down the Micro off (left) and Volume down (down) buttons for about 20 seconds until the light ring turns off and on again.
Hold down the Micro Off and Volume Down buttons for about 20 seconds until the light ring turns on and turns orange.
Hold the Action button (with a dot) for about 25 seconds.
With your finger start from the top of the screen and swipe down to open the setup menu, or just say “Alexa, access to settings”. Choose “Settings” and then “Device Options”. Then click on “Restore factory settings”. Visit us at