
E-Rickshaw Water ATM Machine is good concept, with storage tank of 300 ltr, 500 ltr, 1000 litre, An inbuilt chilled by Manufacturers and Suppliers E-Rickshaw Water ATM Machine.
Water E-rickshaw is the form of water vending machine that can beoperated remotely and one can sell water from any preferred location. The bestpart of E Rickshaw Water ATM Machine is that it doesn’t require any space as compared to WaterATM. E-Rickshaw is a beautiful concept, wherein it comes with a storage tank of 350 litres and an inbuiltchiller that maintain water temperature for 12 hours. Moreover, it has similarfunctionality like E-Rickshaw Water ATMMachine Suppliersand people can avail affordable pure drinking water.
E-Rickshaw Water ATM Machine is good concept, with storage tank of 300ltr, 500 ltr, 1000 litre, An inbuilt chilled by Manufacturers and SuppliersE-Rickshaw Water ATM Machine.