
look no further than the team at Cole Paschal Law. It is imperative that you seek the experienced and knowledgeable drug attorney for guidance to understand how to tailor a defense strategy...
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When most individuals have a run-in with the police and are accused ofhaving committed a drug-related crime, they do not have a drug crimes lawyerpresent at the site of the arrest to attest to their constitutional rights.
Protecting and asserting your rights during a police encounter couldmake a massive difference in the outcome of the situation and any potentialcourt case that might result.
The Fourth Amendment to the Bill of Rights of the United StatesConstitution is meant to shield people from illegal searches and seizures,while the Fifth Amendment prevents the victim from getting more involved in thecrime. Both of these amendments exist to protect citizens against aggressiveand intrusive law enforcement practices.
If an officer of the law violates either of these Amendments during yourarrest, any evidence discovered through this violation will be barred from usein the trial. Your drug crimes lawyer would file a motion to the judgepresiding over your case to suppress this evidence.
If the officer who arrested you possessed a warrant before searchingyour home, vehicle, or person, your drug crimes lawyer would have to prove thatthe warrant was defectively acquired without probable cause. If you aredetained, interrogated, or searched without probable cause, most charges aredismissed when the evidence is expunged.
When you encounter law enforcement officers, make sure no contraband orillicit materials are in plain view. If any drugs or paraphernalia such asashtray remnants, pipes, or plastic bags are viewable from a non-intrusiveviewpoint, officers will proceed with the arrest, and getting the chargesdropped could prove difficult.
If an officer stops your vehicle and proceeds by asking your permissionto search the car, enact your Fourth Amendment rights and politely decline.Since the officer requested your permission, it is reasonable to assume that hedoes not have enough evidence to possess a warrant or does not feel like goingthrough the trouble of procuring one. If you do consent to a search, yourFourth Amendment rights are waived, and any materials found in your possessionwill be entered into evidence.
The next course of action to take after declining a search of yourpersonal belongings is to ascertain whether or not you can free yourself fromthe situation entirely by leaving. Ask if you are being placed under arrest orare being detained. If the officer responds negatively, then you are free toleave.
While an officer is detaining you, remain entirely silent, and do not answerany questions without your drug crimes lawyer present. Anything said to anofficer or other individuals involved around the events that lead to yourarrest can be utilized against you in court.
If an officer asks if he can contact you later for questioning, declineclearly, inquire if you are under arrest, and ask to be left alone. If anofficer threatens or bargains with you to become an informant against others ina drug-related case, do not say anything until you've spoken with your drugcrimes lawyer.
If you or anyone you love has been charged with illegal drug possession,drug dealing, or any other drug crimes, get the proper representation duringyour proceedings. To explore your legal rights and options, reach the lawoffice of Cole Paschall Law, the best drug crime lawyer in FortWorth, TX at (817)-477-4100.