
MCQs All Tipics
General Knowledge MCQs
General Knowledge Mcqs consists of World Geography, Atmosphere, Science & Literature, events Mcqs, Current Affairs Mcqs , Pakistan Affairs Mcqs and International Organizations. These general knowledge questions are very important for all type of exams conducted by Fpsc, Nts, Kppsc, Ppsc, Spsc, Bpsc, Ots, Uts, Pts, Cts, Ats, etea and other testing agencies of Pakistan.
Pak Study Mcqs
Pak Study Mcqs , Get Complete Mcqs of Pakistan Studies for NTS,FPSC, PPSC,SPSC,CSS,PMS Test Preparation. Basic Information About Pakistan Here are the Different Categories related to PakStudy Mcqs.
Islamic Studies Mcqs
Islamic Studies Mcqs are from the history of Islam, basic Islamic knowledge and beliefs, the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions (R.A), Quran & Sunnah, Islamic world and practices. most important of Islamic Studies, Islamiat, Islamyat MCQs Notes
Everyday Science Mcqs
Everyday Science Mcqs. Here you will find the General Science Multiple Choice Questions Mcqs are from Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Atmospheric Studies. Everyday Science Online Test 2 Mcqs Preparation Practice Questions. All Important Abbreviation related to Everyday Science in MCQs. General Science mcqs and Scientific facts MCQs. Everyday Science MCQs with Answers.
Computer Mcqs
Computer Fundamental MCQs, Computer MCQs , MS Office, MS Excel, MS Word, MCQ on Internet, MCQ Quiz KPPSc MCQs, MCQ of Computer Science, NTS GAT, Computer has become most demand able thing in any work. Almost all departments have computer need. And it every important to know the basic Knowledge of computer. If you want to get job or admission related to computer, you must prepare online for computer science MCQ’S questions and answers. Most of the test conductors like FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC and others, are adding computer knowledge MCQs in their test patron. Having a good command on the computer is very necessary. Here are some MCQs related to the Computer from basic to advance will help our readers to secure high marks in the computer portion of the test.
Physics Mcqs
Physics Mcqs for Test Preparation from Basic to Advance. Physics Mcqs are from the different sections of Physics. Here you will find Mcqs of Physics subject from Basic to Advance. Which will help you to get higher marks in Physics subject. These Mcqs are useful for students and job seekers i.e MCAT ECAT ETEA test preparation, PPSC Test, FPSC Test, SPSC Test, KPPSC Test,BPSC Test, PTS ,OTS,GTS,JTS,CTS.
Chemistry Mcqs
Chemistry Mcqs for Test Preparation from Basic to Advance. Chemistry Mcqs are from the different sections of Chemistry Subject. Here you will find Mcqs of Chemistry from Basic to Advance. Which will help you to get higher marks in Chemistry portion of test. These Mcqs are useful for students and job seekers i.e MCAT ECAT ETEA test preparation, PPSC Test, FPSC Test, SPSC Test, KPPSC Test,BPSC Test, PTS ,OTS,GTS,JTS,CTS.
Biology Mcqs
Biology Mcqs are from the different sections of Biology. which will help the students to get higher marks in biology subject. students can prepare for Medical Entry Test from our topic wise Multiple Choice question of Biology. These Mcqs will Help you to get higher marks especially in Biology Mcqs portion of test.
Pedagogy Mcqs
Pedagogy Mcqs for Preparation. Here you will Find the Complete Mcqs of Pedagogy/Education for NTS, KPPSC, FPSC, PPSC ,SPSC, CSS, PMS and Educators Test Preparation. these mcqs are also useful for primary school teacher (PST), subject specialist SST, physical education teacher, Drawing master and Arabic teacher tests.
Finance Mcqs
Finance Mcqs for Preparation. Financial Management, Financial Accounting Multiple Choice Questions and Business Finance Mcqs. Prepare yourself for Finance/ Accounts Jobs.Business Finance. Learn finance with multiple choice questions and answers on a number of topics related to financial management and financial markets & institutions.
HRM Mcqs
HRM Mcqs Mcqs for Preparation of Fpsc, Nts, Kppsc, Ppsc, and other test. these Mcqs are from the basics of Introduction to Human Resource Management to advance level. Prepare for HRM online on PakMcqs
Marketing Mcqs
Accounting Mcqs
Accounting Mcqs for Preparation of various Test announced by Fpsc, kppsc, Nts, ppsc. accounting mcqs for accountant. These Mcqs are very helpful for the Preparation of various posts of Senior Auditor, Junior Auditor, Accountant and for Cost Accountant.
Principles of Accounting, Accounting Equation, Analyzing & Classifying Transaction, Journal, Ledger, Banking Transactions, Cash book and Bank Reconciliation Statement, Bill of Exchange, Capital & Revenue, Rectification of Errors, Final Accounts, Adjustments.
Auditing Mcqs
Auditing Mcqs, Audit Mcqs for preparation of various posts i.e. Senior Auditor by Fpsc, Junior Auditor, Accountant, Internal Auditors, External Auditors. Mcqs Provided here are very Important for Federal Public Service Commission Tests/examinations, National Testing Service etc
Electrical Engineering Mcqs
Electrical engineering Mcqs for Preparation of Job Test and interview, freshers, Students, competitive exams etc. Multiple choice questions here are on topics such as Electrical Machines, Power Electronics, Electrical measurement & units, Utilization of Electrical Energy, Basic Electrical Engineering, Electrical Installation, Power Systems, Testing & maintenance of electrical equipment’s etc.
Civil Engineering Mcqs
Civil Engineering Mcqs for Preparation of Job Test and interview, freshers, Students, competitive exams etc. Multiple choice questions here are on topics such as Building Construction, Materials for Construction, Basic Surveying, Highway Engineering, Dams, Airport Engineering, Structural Analysis etc.
Mechanical Engineering Mcqs
Mechanical Engineering Mcqs for Preparation of Job Test and interview, freshers, Students, competitive exams etc. Multiple choice questions here are on topics such as Machine Design, Theory of Machines, Hydraulic Machines etc.
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Mcqs for Preparation of Job Test and interview, freshers, Students, competitive exams etc. Multiple choice questions here are on topics such as Basics of Chemical Engineering, Chemical Process, Reaction, Process Control and Instrumentation etc.
Software Engineering Mcqs
Software Engineering Mcqs for Preparation of Job Test and interview, freshers, Students, competitive exams etc. Multiple choice questions here are on topics such as Basics of software engineering, types, advanced, design, testing, evolution, testing, secutity etc.