Every now and then, there are hundreds of car accidents resulting in countless injuries and unnecessary deaths all across the United States and in other parts of the world. In the United States alone, these car accidents are the number one source that causes personal injury claims almost every day. In the year 2005 for instance, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; there were 6,087,000 cars found involved in severe accidents. As per estimates provided by the NHTSA, as many as 18,440 people lost their lives in fatal automobile accidents that year while 1,573,000 people were left with injuries, in various road accidents. Since, in most of the cases the drivers are found responsible, the harmed people i.e.., the accident victims usually succeed in settling the matter with the other party; on the plea that the accident actually occurred due to the first party's negligence. Liable party thus provides the victims with compensation for the following:
• Medical expenses
• Pain
• Damage(s)
• Suffering(s)
• Penalties etc.
Once an accident has occurred, numerous legal issues are automatically associated with the situation, and this is the time when most often; you need to acquire the services of a car accident lawyer. And why you may need the lawyer or attorney, because Athens Car Accident Lawyer you need to learn how to:
1. Determine your legal rights, and
2. How to evaluate what specific situation