
Neurological disorders: a common problem of aging problem.
As we age, we all notice changes in our hair, skin and joints that let us know that we are getting older. Along with these visible changes, our brains and central nervous system are also going through the aging process. This is one reason why you are more likely to suffer a neurological problem after age 65.
Some of the most common neurological disorders that affect older people include strokes, neuro pathy, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Most likely, you know someone who has dealt with one of these medical problems.
If you think you have a neurological problem, the first step is being evaluated by a neurologist. During your appointment, you will be asked a series of questions to get more information about yourcondition and possibly undergo some neurological tests. Fortunately, many disorders of the brain and nervous system can be treated successfully and the different treatments that doctors use constantly improve.