
Yes, DLT registration is compulsory to avail and send Bulk SMS service.
Yes, DLT registration is compulsory to avail and send Bulk SMS service. Now every Enterprise who wants to avail SMS service needs to do the DLT registration and any of the telecom operator's DLT platform. As per TRAI regulation 2018 every entity need to do registration of enterprise using the required documents to be uploaded on DLT portal, and after proper verification of the uploaded documents Operator allow Entity to upload a Header (Sender ID) and Content Templates (SMS Templates) to the DLT platform. There is part of DLT registration:
1. Entity / Enterprise Registration.
2. Header Registration.
3. Content Registration.
4. Consent registration.
DLT registration is a compulsory part to send and avail Bulk SMS Service, either transactional or promotional. But there are many challenges to make DLT registration, Entity Registration, Header Registration, Consent Registration and Content Registration are the part of complete DLT process which is not easy for any entity. Sending an SMS without DLT registration is possible by Using SIM SMS service, where Bulk SMS can be sent without any DLT registration. Just need to avail the service from the best SIM Based SMS service provider and start sending SMS without any wait time. Every type of SMS can be sent through the SIM based SMS Service. Bulk Whatsapp SMS is also one of the tools to send SMS without any DLT registration, here WhatsApp SMS can be sent to WhatsApp users only.
Highlights of SMS without dlt registration:
1. Availing SIM Based SMS does not require DLT Registration.
2. Availing WhatsApp SMS does not Require DLT Registration.
3. Send SMS instant, no wait time for DLT.
4. Delivery of 10 Digit Dynamic virtual numbers.
5. More reach and leads can be generated then traditional SMS.