
DJ Edy Marron took the internetby storm with music and he is working on his new album “Showtime”. He hasamassed a strong social following on various social media platforms. With thelove for music, he is going to deliver his new album to allure newcomers to hisworld-class talent and the quality to enthuse enduring fans. His new releasewill be available on all major streaming sites and he is ready to tour andspread the Gospel.Talking about the new record, Legend told fans, "my purposewith my music is to promote and support positive changes that start with theheart through, allowing me to be a positive and inspirational being at a highlevel of consciousness through music".
He will keep on going and newcollaborations are coming. He also loves to hear change, because living in aworld of identical and listening to the same type of beat is meaningless. Nextto producing, Ed also works as a DJ. And, now this talented DJ/Producer fromHolland is working on a new album named “SHOWTIME”.
More info about Edy Marron is onGoogle.
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Remy Peters
Phone: +31621929749