Digital Therapeutics Market 2020 Analysis by Trend and Forecasts-2030
Digital Therapeutics Market 2020 Analysis by Trend and Forecasts-2030
Recentadvances in information technology and biomedical science have enabled thedevelopment of a number of versatile digital solutions that are capable ofeither mimicking or augmenting, the fundamental qualities of pharmacologicalinterventions

RootsAnalysis has announced the addition of “Digital Health Market: Focus on DigitalTherapeutics (2nd Edition), 2020-2030(Based on Type of Solution (Software Solution, Gaming Solution and CombinationSolution), Type of Therapy (Curative and Preventive), and Purpose of Solution(Medication Replacement and Medication Augmentation” report to its list ofofferings.

According to experts, digital therapeutic solutions areprimarily based on behavior modification and are designed to address a varietyof therapeutic needs across a wide range of disease indications. On the otherhand, several digital solutions have been developed to enable remotedoctor-patient consultations. Such solutions witnessed a surge in adoptionsamidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

KeyMarket Insights

Nearly230 digital therapeutic solutions are currently available / under development

Close to 45% of the aforementioned solutions arestandalone software applications targeting more than 60 unique indications.

Over85% of digital therapeutic solutions are intended to replace medication

Such solutions are currently available / being developedto treat neurological disorders (27%), mental health problems (24%), andcertain metabolic disorders (24%). Alternatively, some digital health productsare designed to augment the effect of conventional therapeutics and arecurrently being considered for treating substance use disorders and few mentalhealth problems.

220+clinical trials, focused on digital therapeutics, have been registered since2004

Around 80,000 patients have been enrolled in clinicalresearch initiatives aimed to validate the efficacy of digital therapeutics,and generate real world evidence concerning their efficacy and safety. Close to50% of such trials have been / are being conducted in the US.

NearlyUSD 1.9 billion invested by both private and public investors in this domain

~85% of the total capital raised for digitaltherapeutics-related initiatives was from venture capital investors, featuring over370 participants.

Partnershipactivity in this field has grown at a CAGR of ~42%, between 2015 and 2019

More than 70% of the reported deals were establishedafter 2017, with the maximum activity being reported in 2019. Majority of theinstances captured in the report were focused on pilot product offering (29%)and research and development agreements (21%).

NorthAmerica and Europe are anticipated to capture over 70% of the market share by2030

The market in Asia-Pacific regions is anticipated to growat a relatively faster pace (23.2%). In 2030, digital solutions targetingmetabolic disorders are likely to represent the largest market share, in termsof revenues from product sales (26%), followed by those intended for mentalhealth problems (20%) and neurological disorders (19%).

TheUSD 8.86 billion (by 2030) financial opportunity within the digital therapeutics market has been analyzed across the followingsegments:

Typeof Solution

·       Standalone Software Application

·       Software Application + Device + PersonalCoach

·       Software Application + Device + AI Support

·       Software Application + Device

·       Software Application + AI Support

·       Software Application + Personal Coach

·       Other Types of Solutions

Purposeof Solution

·       Medication Replacement

·       Medication Augmentation

Typeof Therapy

·       Curative

·       Preventive


·       Business to Consumer (Patients andCaregivers)

·       Business to Business (Healthcare Providers,Payers, Employers and Pharmaceutical Companies)


·       Cardiovascular Disorders

·       Chronic Pain

·       Mental Health Problems

·       Metabolic Disorders

·       Neurological Disorders

·       Respiratory Disorders

·       Sleep Disorders

·       Substance Use Disorders

·       Others

KeyGeographical Regions

·       North America

·       Europe

·       Asia-Pacific

·       Rest of the world

Theresearch covers brief profiles of key players engaged in the development ofdigital therapeutic solutions; other popular industry players featured in thereport include:

·       Akili Interactive

·       Beats Medical

·       Big Health

·       Bold Health

·       Click Therapeutics

·       CureApp

·       dreem

·       Ehave

·       Ginger

·       Happify Health

·       inMotion VR

·       Kaia Health

·       Lark Health

·       Mahana Therapeutics

·       MindMaze

·       Noom

·       NOVOSI

·       Omada Health

·       Palo Alto Health Sciences

·       Pear Therapeutics

·       Vida Health

·       Welldoc

·       ZOLL Medical

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