
Quality education is an essential requisite in today’s competitive environment. Technology has affected us in every aspect. The words digital class/ digi class, smart school, digital board, smart board/ smart class board etc., are frequently heard nowadays.
A smart classroom is a modernized method of education in the Indian education scenario which provides quality education to students by helping them in better concept formation, concept elaboration, improvement in reading skills and academic achievement. Technology benefitted us in every aspect of our life right from communication to education. Educational software, smart school software, E-course/ course online, smart class app etc., are all the results of growing technology. Advantages of the smart class are enormous and are also indirectly very helpful.
A smart classroom/ digital class is a classroom that has an instructor equipped with a computer, digital board and audio-visual equipment, allowing the instructor to teach using a wide variety of media. These include smart board/ smart class board, DVD’s, PPT’s and more, all displayed through a data projector. A smart classroom can be considered as a virtual classroom. A digi class duplicates the capabilities found in a real classroom. Students and teachers use their computers to go to a virtual meeting place instead of a classroom and thus the name virtual classroom. This makes learning an enjoyable experience for the students while improving their overall academic performance in school. The smart class app can also be considered as a product of a smart school.
While this is increasingly changing on one side, on another side, smart school software and educational software are being developed. Web-based learning is commonly referred to as eLearning or online learning by enrolling into E-course. It essentially includes learning online through the courses (course online) that are offered on the net. Emails live lectures, and video conferencing are all possible through the net. This enables all the participants to give their views on a particular topic and then discuss them further.
Some of the advantages of the smart class are access to online information, allow for connectivity in a different location, better understanding, bridge the urban/rural divide, making learning more fun and effective, change the way of imparting knowledge, environmentally friendly, improved student engagement and many more.