
Y-PEP (YES PROFESSIONAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROGRAM), abrilliant initiative of Yes Bank under the visionary leader, Rana Kapoor tobring in the best talent and prepare them as Professional Entrepreneurs withthe required skills and knowledge to be “future ready”
Having embarked on a Professional Entrepreneurship journeyhimself in 1998 with the launch of Rabo India Finance in partnership withRabobank and thereafter founding Yes Bank in 2004, Rana Kapoor believed inencouraging and developing entrepreneurial talent for the growth of Yes Bank. One such initiative to develop entrepreneurialdrive and skill development was the Y-PEP program.
Rana Kapoor, the Founder and Former Managing Director of Yes Bank,seeded Y-PEP (YES PROFESSIONAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROGRAM), which is one of YESSCHOOL OF BANKING’s most innovative and institutionalized talent enrollment programsaiming to recruit top talent Management experts to attract young talent directlyfrom India’s leading business schools. The program was launched in 2006 toenhance the capabilities of young managers by assigning challenging roles andresponsibilities to participants to encourage them to achieve their highest potentialand performance. Through structured introductory coaching, training programs,and leadership orientation from senior management, it instills the skills ofprudent risk management and develops leadership skills. Among other humancapital development programs, Y-PEP was a way to invest in the future of YesBank’s employees by building their skill sets, capacity and confidence toensure their success thereby enabling the success and growth of the bank.
The Y-PEP initiative is designed tooffer young professionals with a range of capabilities and experiences whichare distinctive, indispensable, and exclusive to fulfill and assist the Bank’sfuture prospects and challenges. The notable feature of this program is thatthe Young Professionals are specially chosen for specific positions. Over onehundred Y-PEPs have already joined hailing from premier Indian B-schools namelyIIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow, IIM Udaipur, XLRIJamshedpur, MDI Gurgaon, Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human ResourceDevelopment, SP Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR), NationalInstitute of Industrial Engineering, etc.
Ex- MD & CEO Yes Bank, RanaKapoor launched Y-PEP since he believed in investing in talent and grooming theyouth to be future professional entrepreneurs given his motto to make Yes Bankthe “Professionals Bank of India.” Kapoor understood that the biggestinvestment of the bank needs to be in Human Capital, and the highly skilled,knowledgeable and driven employees became one of Yes Bank’s keydifferentiators.
Rana Kapoor’s Human Capital initiativeswere true to the entrepreneurial ethos of the bank, keeping it agile,constantly innovating and “future ready.” Y-PEP has given people a sense ofpride to be learning and working in an institution like Yes Bank and learningkey strategic practices from its senior management. Undoubtedly, Kapoor hasbeen a great institution builder providing employment to over 20,000 people andmade Yes Bank the fastest-growing private bank in the first decade of itsinception.
For his service and contributionwhich shaped the Yes Bank into one of the largest private financialinstitutions, he has received numerous accolades. In 2007, he won the ‘CEO withHR Orientation’ award at the Times Ascent HR Excellence Awards. Yes Bank hasalso been adjudged with the “Organization with Most Innovative HR Practices”award at the Global HR Excellence Awards, at the Asia Pacific HRM Congress2007. In Kapoor’s words, “the award is a reflection of the pioneering effortsand innovative HR practices pursued to grow and strengthen Human Capital at YesBank”.
During Asia’s Best Employer BrandAwards and the CMO Asia Awards for Excellence in Branding and Marketing thatwas held in Singapore in 2011, Yes Bank won seven awards for its exceptionalrecord. These included “Continuous Innovation in HR Strategy at Work”, “Best HRStrategy in Line with Business” and “Excellence in HR through Technology”. RanaKapoor expressed the accolades as “a true acknowledgment of the fine leadershipof the Human Capital Management, Marketing and Corporate Communications andResponsible Banking teams at YES BANK towards achieving institutionalexcellence in the areas of Innovative and Business Aligned Human CapitalPractices, Strategic Marketing, and Brand Management, as well as SustainableDevelopment.”
We can safely say that Yes bankunder Rana Kapoor’s tenure had the best talent with an average age of less than30. Armored with the requite knowledge and skills and a positive mindset, theywere driven to achieve and align with the bank’s Founder’s vision of developingthe “Best Quality Bank of the World in India”.