
Dairy food contain essential nutrients including vitamin A, D & B12, protein, calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates, potassium, niacin, and riboflavin. Regular use of dairy food supports improving all around health and owing to the fact, dairy nutrients are widely been used in a variety of products including energy bars, dietetic formulations, low-fat spreads, infant formulas, and geriatric nutritional products.
The calcium contained in Dairy Nutrition provides an excellent source of this mineral for healthy bones and teeth. Drinking plenty of milk can prevent osteoporosis and encourage strong bones. You will find other health advantages of dairy food like protein which supplies energy for carrying out day-to-day activities, minerals which are needed for the growth of small children, and helps in fighting diseases. Dairy nutrition provides calcium and phosphorus to the human body through the daily diet, and they also have a position to play in maintaining the balance of electrolytes and maintaining fluid levels in the body.
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