
The animation video is one of the effective ways to image and promote your business (product). If you decide to order the first video but do not know where to start, we will give answers to frequently asked questions from both the customer and the contractor.
1. Why is it so expensive and what is the price of a video
There will be one answer to these two questions: a good company will give you an approximate amount only after an interview (filling out a brief). The cost depends on your desires and capabilities of the animation studio in Hyderabad. Reducing the price, the studio saves on specialists and the quality of the video.
Not only the studio but also the client remains the loser since the output level of the video will be far from high. Important in determining the cost is the lead time: the less it is, the higher the cost of the video.
2. How soon will the video be ready
It all depends on the duration of the animation clip. Creating an animation clip is a complex process that takes an average of four weeks: 15-30 seconds of frame-by-frame animation, 1-1.5 minutes of video infographics.
This is how the video creation process in our studio
3. Which is better: freelance or contract
Working with a freelancer is likely to be cheaper. But the contract is your insurance! And it should contain information on the transfer of copyright. Our studio transfers the exclusive right to the finished animation clip.
When working without a contract, the contractor may simply disappear with your money. But the most serious nuisance is using the video without your approval.
4. Do I need to have a ready-made script to order a video? Can I use my best practices?
A ready-made script is not needed when ordering a video. It will be written by scriptwriters of an animation studio. Of course, they can use your best practices, wishes, but at the same time act as a filter. They will do this not out of harm and not in order to amuse their pride. They are focused on success no less than yours, and they can also help you save money.
We saw such work: the customer brought the script for 4-5 minutes, and the scriptwriters reduced it to two without loss of quality!
5. I want to make a video to increase sales. Will this work?
This will work if the video clip is created on the basis of the analyzed data: target audience, placement platform, selected animation technique (see below), there should be a plan for promoting the video.
6. Is it possible to make voice acting in a foreign language
It is possible, but this should be specified at the initial stage when filling out the brief. This is not a whim, but saving your money and time. We had a case when a client ordered a video with voice acting in English, and then asked to make voice acting in Russian without changing the pictures.
There is no need to really understand the process of creating an animated video to understand what problems we encountered: the video sequence and the sound just did not match, I had to “drive” the speaker to achieve the desired result.
7. How much can I edit
In the contract, we indicate that the number of edits should not exceed three. Often we go towards the client and increase the number of edits if we ourselves understand that the result will be better.
We insist that it is necessary to coordinate each stage of production. The client sees the result of each stage, which means that he is calm for the quality of the finished video.
8. Are raw materials provided after the roll
The contract should specify the conditions for the transfer of copyright. Most often, this right is exclusive and applies only to the finished video. Sources remain with the studio.
If the customer needs the source materials, the animation studio can transfer them for a fee - about 30% of the video budget.
9. What to do if the final video does not like
You will not have such a question when coordinating each stage of production, as you will see all the intermediate results.
If there is a possibility that the leadership of the company in which you work, the video will not be approved, then coordinate with him every stage (minimum style and animation) as well.