Covid Friendly Fundraisers for Any PTO
Covid Friendly Fundraisers for Any PTO
Many efforts were put on hold in spring 2020, when many PTOs and PTAs would normally be wrapping up planning for fall fundraising, due to the COVID-19 outbreak and widespread school closures.

Many efforts were put on hold in spring 2020, when many PTOs and PTAs would normally be wrapping up planning for fall fundraising, due to the COVID-19 outbreak and widespread school closures. Because of ongoing concerns about how school will be in September, many leaders were in a "wait and see" attitude according to this article.

Without effective fundraising, your school would not be able to provide extracurricular programs to assist children gain a well-rounded education and explore their interests as they age. More money for your school means you'll be able to expand your facilities to accommodate more students, as well as provide vital resources to children in the form of programs and activities.

To keep your PTO buzzing, we've assembled terrific fundraising ideas from successful school groups across the country. These ideas will energize your parents, teachers, students, and volunteers for the upcoming school year!

Product Sales is a virtual event that any parent teacher organization can participate in.

Inquire about new touchless or contact-free fundraising options for the fall season with a representative from your fundraising firm. Consider holding an online auction or a product sale as a type of online fundraising event. We spoke with Joe Wolpin of Fundraising Zone, who specializes in assisting PTO fundraisers, for this piece.

Joe explains what's hot right now. Many Candle Lovers are looking for a new fundraising firm because Yankee Candle Fundraising went out of business. Our Heritage Candles Fundraiser Brochures are exactly what you're looking for. For either the spring or fall fundraising season, these smells are both affordable and fantastic. PTO members appreciate the fact that there is no cost to them, and the parent-teacher association can make 40% on each transaction.

"After then, your supporters can post the catalog on the internet for everyone to look at at their leisure." Brochures, for example, can be posted on your website, shared on Facebook, emailed, and texted. Zoom, Facetime, and Facebook live stream videos have all proven to be successful for some. You may sell anything remotely to collect revenue for your school group, club, or team with a little inventiveness."

Online Raffles a great virtual PTO Fundraising event

Most importantly, investigate whether there are any restrictions on hosting raffles in your town. This is because it may be construed as gambling by others. Request prize donations from local businesses in exchange for free publicity. Restaurant gift cards, popular merchandise, and free services (dog walking, yard mowing, window cleaning) are all good examples of this. Then, on your website or on your official social media channels, you can announce these prizes. Make your drawing date public and require participants to pay $1 for each submission. The winners will then be notified of their awards. Obtain a large number of photographs for your social media presence. This will pique people's interest in the next year.

Covid friendly ideas to help you raise more money

Finally, Covid will be around for a while. Smart PTOs are seeking for new ways to support the after-school organizations and sports teams that their children enjoy. Fundraising for the PTO is still feasible. It only takes a Covid-friendly viewpoint. Source:

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Memphis, Tn
