
Contact Lenses are thin, plastic lenses usually placed entirely on your eyes. Contact lenses were first invented in the 1887 as a technique for improving the vision of people with bad eyesight, or the ones that had undergone surgical procedures to fix vision. Today, contact lenses are popular cosmetic devices used by significantly more than 150 million individuals worldwide, and they're worn to fix poor vision, to augment or enhance vision, or for various therapeutic or cosmetic reasons. Although contact lenses were initially developed as a powerful alternative to glasses, today they play an increasingly important role in the visual rehabilitation and corrective aspects of vision care.
The modern-day developments in the field of vision correction have opened new doors for improved vision. Contact Lens could be custom-made to fix nearsightedness (myopia) or farsightedness (hyperopia), and they're also used to improve vision for individuals who have experienced eye injury or age-related macular degeneration. Today's contact lenses are safe and effective and offer a host of advantages over eyeglasses, especially when it comes to the convenience and functionality.
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