
Today several apps are being developed by XYZ custom mobile app development company. But, not all of these apps succeed even when they are designed and developed by keeping all the aspects in mind! Why? This is because the mobile application development company ignores many important factors that are necessary for developing any mobile application. Mistakes like not focusing on your - target users, important in-app features, visibility, etc. are very common.
When you ignore these key aspects while app development, there are maximum chances that your app will be nothing more than a failure in the market. It doesn’t even matter how dedicated developers you’ve hired! All your invested capital, time, and efforts will turn out to be a waste.
Therefore, it is suggested to focus on these common mistakes instead of over-using resources on your app functionalities.
While developing any business app, the developers unknowingly commit some very common mistakes that can be specifically characterized and discussed in two segments based on design and technology.
#1. Design-specific mistakes in App Development
i. Less becomes More when Displayed on Bigger Screen
The display technologies have seen major changes over time. With the increasing screen size of smartphones, it should be very necessary for developers to display all the features of the mobile app on the main screen itself. The users, these days, quickly get distracted by new apps with their visual appearances and it gets very difficult to retain them.
So it is very important to keep your app visually appealing but simple. To make it easy for the users to relate between the different screens of the app, try focusing on the visual elements available. Keeping your app visuals to be very simple and classy, will make it look more alluring to the users.
ii. It’s not OK to keep a similar UI for both Apple and Android app.
Another common mistake by any custom app mobile development company is - they apply similar UI designs for both Apple and Android apps. No doubt that both Playstore and Appstore are apps marketplace, but, these two are different platforms and need different designs. And unlike Android, not all UI designs are okay when developing apps for Apple.
The developers strictly need to keep the above point in mind and also if YOU are an app developer or if you own any top mobile app development company please be sure that you never commit such a mistake.
iii. Do Not Complicate about the UI and UX. Keep it Simple.
As briefed in point (i), if you want your app to be successful, be very sure that you keep it the least complicated. Both the UI and the UX need to be very simple and classy because it’s 2021, and simplicity embedded with top-notch technologies is - the new normal. You should make sure that you are delivering something that has zero complications. The moment users identify your app as complicated or difficult to understand, they will skip your app and this will be the only reason that they uninstall it and won’t get back.
So it is important for any custom mobile app development company or developer, to think and understand any app’s UI/UX from the users’ point of view.
iv. Fancy Fonts could be Dangerous
There’s a misconception trending among the developers that the use of fancy fonts makes the UI of the apps attractive. When developing a mobile app, this misconception is misguiding the developers for not choosing regular fonts like Roboto for Android; and San Francisco for Apple devices.
And make it very clear that choosing a specific font for your app needs licensing and if you use any such fonts without getting it licensed, the development cost of your mobile app would increase by 2000 USD or even more. Too much fanciness can turn out to be dangerous for your budget for mobile app development. Therefore, it is suggested to use simple fonts which are easy to be licensed.
#2. Technology-specific mistakes in App Development
i. Don’t remain stuck to a single Platform.
When it comes to deciding a base platform for launching an app, developers generally prefer to choose Appstore and not Playstore. Undoubtedly, iOS devices have a dominating market among the custom mobile app development company in the USA. But, one should always remember that Android has a global audience and it serves as a more powerful platform than iOS when it comes to targeting the world outside the United States. And, as discussed earlier, always do keep in mind that both the platforms are different.
ii. Avoid underestimating the importance of Research.
Before you begin with the development of an app, detailed research is very important to be planned and should be thoroughly executed. You need to have an idea about your target audience, their choices, likes-dislikes, necessity, etc.
Incomplete research and wrong analysis will lead to the development of an app fully loaded with features but at last, it comes with no guarantee that the audience will ever require such kind of in-app services that you are providing through the app. So, it is always a better opinion to perform extensive research, and based on the research reports, you take any decision regarding the app development.
iii. Stop undervaluing- the importance of advertising
The amazingness of your app is of no use unless and until your audience is aware of your existence. The app won’t be selling itself to the targeted group of users. It’s your call to action to show your app’s existence to the right users at the right time and this goes a long way in advertising. This kind of expenditure will add up to your costs and therefore, it is necessary to include them while budgeting.
You will also need to focus on the advertisements of your app updates. A Mobile app development company like Consagous Technologies will be a great help and a trustworthy source for such updates.
iv. Beta-Testing
A common mistake made by the development team - not beta testing the mobile apps before they are launched. Overlooking this thing generally ends with the existence of hidden issues like UI glitches, malware, bugs, etc. These flaws could ruin the app and can also cause harm to the user’s data.
Developing an app with mistakes can not be accepted, as it directly affects performance and leads to failure. Overcoming these mistakes is an excellent idea for the app to become great. After finding out these mistakes, be sure that you won’t repeat these. Avoiding these mistakes will improve your app quality, performance, and usability.
Read this: Development of an OTT platform
If you are new in the industry of mobile app development, you can outsource the development processes. Consagous Technologies is the best mobile application development company in USA. We have a highly dedicated team of experienced developers who will guide you through the complete development process with required budgeting and much more. We have got the absolute best solutions when it comes to mobile app development. Contact us for more information related to flawless custom mobile app development services in USA.